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Sephora spent the next few hours in her office working endlessly because ever since they announced the partnership with Aries, things had taken a perfect turn and as amazing as that was, it multiplied her work load immensely.

"I think that's that for today Cia"
Martha announced almost joyfully while Sephora nodded softly, turned off the computer and made a quick walk to Ivy's room where she saw Ivy and Berlin already asleep, cuddling each other like they had no intentions of ever letting go.

Good thing she was about to make it permanent.

Looking at Berlin now Sephora smiled at how much time and space could do.

The first time she'd seen her was as a little girl.

It was one of the worst days of her life because it was the day she realised that she had lost Greg for good.

She had just gone in for her final check, they said that she was ready to bring her baby into the world.

She remembered coming home to get everything she would be needing because Greg had suddenly disappeared into thin air.

She remembered excitedly informing little Cara that her little sister was about to come into the world.

She remembered Cara glaring and telling her that she didn't like her and wished she would die.

She also remembered not letting the little girl's words get to her but most importantly she remembered getting into an accident.

It had been very bad but the good thing was that they saved her and the baby.

She remembered waking up only to be visited by Greg who came with 'the love of his life' and their bundle of joy.

She remembered begging him to at least hold on till she got better only to hear him say that the accident had been a reminder that shit could go south any moment.

She remembered leaving the hospital as quietly as possible because the nurses seemed to have made her the topic of a discussion that would probably last a lifetime.

So much pain she had endured the first few months after the birth of her little Ivy, she had experienced so much frustration, rejection and depression all at a go yet her heart never gave up.

She knew that it was going to be okay.

Fast forward to a year later Greg returned home, grovelling and pining like the dog he was, he claimed that he was ready to be the husband and father she and the kids deserved.

She had no reason to take him back and he seemed to know this, he could tell that she was done with his bullshit so he pulled the card every looser out there had.

The kids shouldn't have to grow up without a father especially if their father was willing and capable of been as present as possible.

Sephora didn't care enough to acknowledge his thoughts but Cara did.

She wanted her beloved daddy back because she couldn't stand her mother.

With no one to talk to or share the disappointment she felt, Sephora learnt the act of silence, preserving her energy and focusing it on the things that mattered.

She began working harder than she did in past, started building her own brands and creating her own name and products.

Although it had seemed very hard to do at the time yet she persisted and prayed because it was all she had.

By the time Sephora realised how far she had gone, She had become famous amongst the Kings of the coperate giants, business moguls, and the know whose of the society.

Sephora.   (Ongoing) Where stories live. Discover now