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Maximo POV :

The next morning came with a whirlwind of new emotions, emotions that Aries wasn't accustomed to because he had always been a careful person, very guarded when it came to relationships and feelings yet here he was, wondering why he felt so much in so little a while.

    "Your coffee Sir"
The waitress bowed slightly before leaving him again.

Stirring the coffee slowly seemed to give him a slight sense of peace because it had a consistent surface going on, at least something finally seemed calm in his eyes.

Looking out the window, Aries saw none other than Cara, obviously arguing but it was with the ever unfortunate Greg, the morning couldn't get any worse even if he begged.

Although he was inside the cafe, he could tell that whatever Greg was telling the girl was obviously flying right over her head and before Greg could get another word in, Cara kneed him in the nuts and then punched him right in the nose before running past him and into the cafe where she ran straight to the back where Aries sat.

Looking back out, Aries watched as Greg tried coming in but was stopped by a very buff looking guard who simply placed his palms on Greg's chest as a way of stopping him,  it was actually cute, the way Greg kept thrashing around when the guard was barely even holding him.

Looking back in the direction where Cara sat, he saw her wiping her tears before pulling out what seemed like an eye drop and applying it on her eyes then proceeded in waving down a waitress.

It had been a long time since the last time he saw her, she had grown up a lot since then and for that he was happy.

      "It's time for your meeting with miss Williams sir"
August informed Aries who nodded, looked back at Cara for the last time before leaving the cafe.

Once he was in the car, He stared ahead to see Greg, pacing in the corner as though he would go mad.

     "I want security around Cara at all times"
Aries ordered August who stared at him in shock.

    "Boss? "
August asked again, wondering if he'd heard wrong.

    "Do we know everything there' is to know about that scum Greg?"
Aries asked, ignoring August's question because he knew for a fact  that he heard him alright.

     "I guess?"
August replied rather unsurely.

    "Something's not right August, Cara saw or heard something, looking back to the first day we met, she had this forlorn look in her eyes, this shock that told tales of terror, although it's been far too long since then, I can tell that something is wrong"
Aries spoke, looking out of his window and wondering why he suddenly feared for the girl's life.

      "As your assistant Aries, I'd advise that you speak to her mother about what we saw today but  As your friend, I'd advise that we stick to Ella's plan of staying away"
August replied Aries who simply nodded.

He had done more interference in a day than he had done in an entire lifetime,  Did he regret his actions at the ball? No he didn't because now The world knew the animal Greg had been all along,
Was it his Story to tell? No it wasn't which quite honestly was the aspect of things he regretted.

     "We are here"
August announced, speaking quickly into his ear peice to alert the security detail of the swam of paps that gathered around outside.

     Quickly they all got down from the car, everyone taking his place around Aries who simply walked ahead as though there weren't blinding lights around him.

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