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Sephora spent the next few minutes pacing helplessly, she was afraid, anxious, curious and mostly nervous, she was afraid of what might be in the flash drives, she was afraid that it was something that would break her for life.

I mean, it almost cost Cara her life, what could be in the drive?
So many questions yet she knew she was giving herself all the anxiety she was experiencing because the answers to all her questions where just a slot away from her.

     "I think you should do this alone ma'am"
Cypher suggested for the millionth time yet Sephora shook her head, she didn't want to do this alone and for the first time she could swear that she needed the entire world, the universe even, anything and everything she needed by her side.

     "Go ahead"
Sephora ordered Joel who nodded before inserting the drive into the port in the laptop he had on his thighs.

After messing around with the computer he turned to Sephora with a slight Frown.

      "There are  four Videos in this one "
He informed Sephora who nodded before instructing him to play the first one which he immediately did.

At first the video began with what seemed to be a hospital room, nothing serious until it showed the doors opening with a very pregnant Sephora been helped by the midwife that had helped her when she gave birth to Ivy.

It seemed to focus on everything Sephora did from the day she arrived the hospital, the exercises, the moments that led to her due date and what not.

Sephora remembered because she had been so busy that her friends literally dragged her to the hospital to relax till her due time was confirmed by the doctors.

It was a very amazing gesture seeing as she had a very healthy birth in the end yet what she honestly didn't understand was why there was a video of her during this time.

     "Can you fasten the video? I don't see what I'm watching here"
Sephora ordered impatiently which Joel did and in no time they were at the end of the video and still nothing interesting happened.

    "I'll play the second one now ma'am"
Joel informed Sephora who nodded for him to proceed.

Immediately they played the next video which now began with A sleeping Sephora on the bed with needles sticking out of her arms, she remembered been given drips, they had been to energise her body, at least that's what the doctors had told her at the time.

  Slowly they watched the door open with Greg poking his head in before looking back out and then coming fully in with Arm candy right on his tail.

Slowly they came into the room, inspecting a very unconscious Sephora and then all of a sudden they began laughing, thankfully there was audio which captured The moment Arm candy said "She won't even know what hit her" while Greg nodded his head and soon they bursted into laughter before walking out of the room hand in hand.

For some reason, that scene gave Everyone the chills because creepy was not even enough to describe what they just watched.

After their exit, the midwife came back in and injected more drugs into the drip before touching Sephora's forehead, her heartbeat and then left the room, the rest of the video had a sleeping Sephora with nothing else around.

     "The third one please"
She requested rather urgently, watching as Joel immediately played the third video that showed a doctor sneaking into the room and injecting something into the drip That still stuck in Sephora's hands.

Quickly he checked her pulse before nodding and then walking away, Now something off about the entire situation was that for the rest of the video The same doctor or midwife came in the room, injected something into the drip that seemed endless and then walked away.

Sephora.   (Ongoing) Where stories live. Discover now