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Sephora sat there, watching wordlessly as people went to the grave and threw in their flowers, paying their last respect to someone who had no business been dead.

She wondered why though, why did it have to happen to her of all people, had she not lost enough people to last her a life time? Had she not experienced enough pain to consider herself mother of all pains? Why did it have to be her?

Silently she stared at the crowd, wondering baffled at how they came through for the funeral, she didn't know that so many friends had been made in so short a time.

      "My condolences ma'am"
Prisx bowed, clutching her gun really tight while Sephora raised her now bloodshot eyes to the deputy head of her security team.

     "Thank you Prisx"
Sephora replied, voice hoarse and strained.

     "I have just one question though"
Prisx began, raising her face in a bid to contain her tears.

     "When we find the person who did this, how far is far enough?"
Prisx asked, biting her lips in a manner that told tales of her struggles to keep her tears at bay but it wasn't working because tears began flooding down.

     "Even hell is not far enough"
Sephora replied, biting her own lips till the pain numbed the need to cry again.

     "Let's get you home"
Martha muttered, lending Sephora a helping hand while she took it and stood up, looked at the grave one last time before she turned and began walking away.

Hell would indeed have no fury like this woman that has been scorned by fate itself.


An hour later they all arrived home, Sephora immediately turned to nurse Lucia who shook her head while Sephora exhaled before turning to Ivy and Berlin who just stood there, staring at nothing in sadness.

    "Take them to their room and get them changed, I'll go check in"
Sephora muttered, watching as Lucia helped the kids up, took them up their room while Sephora headed to the room around the corner, knocked quietly before letting herself in.

Still sat in the same position as earlier on she saw Cara still looking outside, head leant on her palms in a tilted manner.

Sephora called out, watching as she quietly turned to stare at her for a moment before returning to the same position she was earlier on.

This had been her condition for over two weeks.

Flashback :

     "I'm sorry but we couldn't revive her, I think she is having a battle of wills miss Williams"
The doctor told Sephora who shook her head in disagreement.

She had lost her adopted mother to that because the old woman had refused to go on after her husband died.

Surely Cara knew she had a lot to live for which made Sephora all the more hurt.

    "I suggest that you talk to her, pray if you believe in prayers but most importantly, don't give up hope because the moment she catches a hint of Hopelessness in your words or Demeanor, I'm not sure what we can do to help her"
With that the doctors left while Sephora slumped on the floor, crying like her tears would fix things yet they didn't.

Close to a week later, Greg and Arm candy Got cleared for attempted murder because unfortunately it was all circumstantial evidence, This somehow gave them the right to visit Cara whenever they wanted.

Although it was an unfair judgement, Sephora didn't do anything about it because she couldn't even bring herself to care for them.

She had also requested that Aries let's it go, she had too much on her plate already.

SephoraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon