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The next day just as predicted had come like a tornado, tearing through the hours with a wave of narratives that almost bothered Sephora except she refused to be surprised or bothered by anything that strangers had to say.

Besides she had something more bothering her at the moment.

"I wonder what Has happened to her"
Bren whispered to Sephora who simply shook her head.

Ever since she woke up in the morning and finally decided to join the kids and Bren's kids, she had found herself worrying over Cara because for the first time in the child's life, she was awfully quiet.

A Quiet Cara was a disaster in the works, simply waiting to happen, Sephora had no such time.

"Leave Us"
She demanded, nodding towards Brent who understood that she wanted to speak with Cara alone.

"Let's Go Kids "
Bren nodded, ushering the kids out while Cara remained in her sit, staring into space, simply lost in the sea if her own thoughts.

Sephora called to Cara who still seemed lost.

Sephora yelled, knocking lightly on the table, thankfully this got her attention.

"I didn't fucking raise you to dwell in lala land with your imaginations and dreams "
She scolded, noticing how Cara's eyes suddenly welled up.

"Come Child"
Sephora spoke softly, scolding herself for loosing what emotions she had for the girl, Although Cara had been nothing but rude, disrespectful and cruel, it didn't stop her from being her child at the end of the day.

After what almost felt like forever, Cara hesitantly drew near her, taken a sit right beside her.

"I don't care about your behaviour towards me but if anyone has done anything to hurt you, or even touched a strand of hair on your head, I swear to you Cara, they will wish they were never even born"
She stopped and wiped the tears that seemed endless.

"What happened?"
She asked gently, stroking Cara's face lightly.

"Can I move back in?"
Cara asked, sniffing lightly while Sephora nodded, She must have had a taste of what playing house with the devil felt like.

"You will always be my child Cara Alexandra Davids, Always."
She reassured Cara who awkwardly hugged her before rising back up.

"I hope a day comes when you forgive me for everything I've ever done"
With that she slowly went up towards her room.

"Should we be worried?"
Martha suddenly asked, walking into the room with her ever present IPad.

"She saw or heard something out there Martha, believe me, when you've been so lost for the longest of time, repentance tends to be a distant decision"
With that Sephora turned to look at Martha who nodded, on to other things it was.

.. "Greg is desperate for partners because his company is at its lowest, partners, shareholders, employees, basically everyone is leaving while Claudia was seen leaving the country in the early hours of the morning"
Martha reported, staring at Sephora who smirked.

"Send in Samantha, she should make him so desperate that he will have no choice but to come begging me to help him."
With her orders intact, Martha nodded, leaving Sephora who picked her phone and called her lawyer.

"Meet me at the office Cypher"
She ordered, dropping the phone and making her way to her room where she quickly had a bath and began making her way towards her car only to be stopped by the help.

"I have a problem miss"
It was the bitchy help, chick seemed to think a little too highly of herself.

"Now that your child is back, I think it's best she's kept in her room at all times to avoid any mishaps"
Hopefully she wasn't insinuating that Cara be locked up in her room.

"I seem to be lost miss?"
Sephora tilted her head to the side, giving the chick a once over.

"Miss Alinov"
She supplied, bouncing a little when Sephora smiled, she was the Russian one, so many russians later, she finally found the one who thought a little too highly of herself.

"So how do you suggest I go as regards 'Keeping her in her room'?"
Sephora asked, smirking when she saw the way her eyes lit up.

     "I'm sure it's nothing a little starving and locking in can't fix"
Miss Alinov who seemed to be bouncing at this point replied.

    "You heard the lady Fuego"
Sephora turned to her head of security who nodded with a smirk while Sephora nodded then climbed into the car and left for the office.

  Upon arrival, she went straight to her office and rested her head for a second before picking up her phone and dialing a number.

    "If Cara leaves the house at any point, I want to know where she goes, who she meets and what she does but above all, keep her safe Fuego, that's my child"
She concluded the call and looked up to find Martha already waiting.

     "Cypher's here"
Martha announced while Sephora nodded, patting down her hair and proceeding to take deep breaths.

She was extremely nervous.

     "Hello Ma'am"
Cypher greeted Sephora who smiled and stretched her hands, giving the man a firm handshake.

     "I have great news for you"
He announced, smiling through his pearly whites while Sephora tilted her head to the side.

His definition for great news and hers were very definitely not in the same league.

     "Legally?, Mr Greg does not have even a scent in the eyes of the law, if anything, you get to walk away from all of this with child support, spousal benefits and whatever else you might demand."
With those words, Sephora found herself sighing in satisfaction.

She had been so in love that she hadn't seen the need to make Greg sign a prenuptial contract, how could she know that he never loved her, that he had seen how much he could gain  by simply being her husband.

        "How sure are you?"
She asked Cypher who presented a document to her.

Upon opening and going through the document, Sephora realised that it was an iron clad prenup that would leave Greg with nothing but the kids she gave him in marriage.

    "how did he sign this  Cypher?"
Sephora enquired, staring him in the eyes, she could tell when a person lied about things to her, a gift that should have been useful when she needed it the most

       "It was nothing a little erotic persuasion couldn't fix and of course, a little promise of money if things go well"
Greg had always been the greediest fellow she knew, it was no wonder he signed a prenup without reading through it.

     "We never had this conversation ma'am"
Cypher requested.

Although he enjoyed doing the things he did with her, his career as a high end lawyer meant everything to him because in the end, he intended to be the supreme attorney of the state.

If only he had even an incline of half the things she'd done to get to the position she was, if only he knew, he'd realise that they'd gone past his constant reminder that they never had a conversation after every meeting.

      "You should leave, if all is going as planned, Greg should be here soon"
She informed Cypher who nodded, accepted her extended hands on a handshake before walking away while Sephora continued with the day's job.

I'm sorry for my absence and late update guys...

Finally resumed work at my primary place of assignment, it's been exhausting and plain old annoying, I will have to nap out some schedules to make this as seamless as possible.

I still need your opinions as requested in the last chapter.. Love... Diamond 🔹

Sephora.   (Ongoing) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang