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Aries POV :

Aries watched as Sephora walked away without even a glance back towards him.

He wondered what she was thinking In that moment, what she would so next, where she would go, so many thoughts filled his head yet they all revolved around one person.

     "What do you need me to do brother?"
Ella asked, rubbing his back in a  comforting manner.

   "What's there to do?"
He replied, watching as everyone began kissing each other goodbye.

      "Turn the car around boys"
Ella ordered the guards before taking Aries hands while he thankfully began walking with her some paces behind.

Aries simply looked ahead, disregarding the sad existence of the people trying to speak to him.

He wondered how him of all people came to the point where he felt like he was choking or even suffocating just because he found himself in the crowd of the lowlives around him.

   "Breath Aries"
Ella demanded in a soft whisper before getting in the car and shifting for Aries to get in too.

     "For the first time in my life, I seem to be doubting my own decision Ella"
Aries spoke, staring briefly her way before relaxing his head on the headrest while Ella rubbed his thigh in comfort.

     "Then let's leave America and return home brother-"
She exhaled before continuing

    "I saw the look in that woman's eyes, she does not have room for anyone to come into her life as of the moment."
Ella stopped talking when Aries turned to glare as though she sounded like she'd lost her mind.

    "Support her by giving her investment opportunities, connections and everything she'd be needing to go through the horrors of the next few months, do this whilst giving her time and space, if you love her as much as you say, your feelings will not simply end over this period of time, personally I don't see her leaving your thoughts either, and when this is all over, return and be the man she needs"

Now, as lengthy as the plan seemed, Aries knew it was the best thing he could do for her and  everyone.

Sephora needed to fight this one battle alone because for so long she'd endured everything life had brought her way, it was time to fight back and the least he could do for her was not to get in her way.

    "Thank you Ella "
Aries spoke, nodding in gratitude while his sister smiled.

Soon after, they arrived at the airport where Ella kissed his cheek  tenderly, stroking his face as tenderly as she could manage.

She wasn't exactly the most affectionate person there was.

     "When the time is set, call me, and I promise to get the ball rolling for you brother"
With that, she tapped him and then proceeded to the jet where she looked back for the last and then got in.

Although he would never say it to her face, For the first time in his life, he wished she would stay by his side, but he knew better, her job always came first and this time it was in Seattle.

Aries stood right there, watching as the jet took off before turning and getting in the car.

     "Call Miss Williams office and fix an appointment for tomorrow, it's an emergency"
Aries ordered August who nodded, picked his work phone and began making the call while Aries took his phone and made one other call.

  "Ready the jet, we leave for Italy tomorrow"
With that he hung up and relaxed in his sit, looking outside the tinted windows, watching the hustle and bustle of the average civil servants, wondering why people thought that money would solve  all their problems.

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