Relationships in Eternity

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You've got to learn
To think of relationships
Through the perspective
Of eternity.
Because if you don't,
The pain of reality
This side of Heaven
Will crush you.

It hurts too badly
To think,
"I may never live with her again."
And this side of Heaven?
I may not.
I may never be drug down the hall
Laughing hysterically
At 12am
Because I danced too goofily
When she was trying to go to bed.
I may never hold her
After a good couch cry again.
I may never get to live with the girl
Who became my best friend
In less than a year
Ever again.
And that hurts too much to bear.
But when I think
Of it
In light of eternity,
It doesn't hurt so bad.
I may never get to live with her again,
But in less than 90 years,
I'll be able to live with her forever.
We'll be together
Living life how it was intended to be lived
Serving and loving and glorifying
Our Creator, together.
90 years seems such a short time
To wait
When we have forever to come.

And sometimes I think about that boy,
The one I loved and lost
And it hurts
That I'll never know him again.
I'll never learn something new about him
That I wont see
Through social media
Or hear through a friend,
He'll never love me again,
Nor will I ever love him.
That hurts until I remember that
One day
We'll have a perfect restored relationship.
I may never see him again,
But I'll see him in Heaven one day.
And we'll be nothing but
Brother and sister in Christ,
Perfectly interwoven and seeing eachother
As we should.

It hurts to lose people
But it's not so terrible
When you realize you haven't lost them forever
And the relationship
Won't always be what it is now

One day we'll be restored
And reunited,
And it will be good


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