8 months. 4 weeks. Less than a year.

4 0 0

People don't ask about you
And when they do
It's never at convenient times.

My boyfriend asked me tonight,
Halfway through a Chick-fil-A fry,
"How are you doing with all that?"

What does one say to that?

"I'm okay.
I still cry sometimes.
But most days I'm okay."

My grandpa died
8 months And 4 weeks ago.
This year.
He died this year.

No one asks anymore.
They seem to have forgotten he lived.
And he died.
I miss him though.
I wish more people would ask.

It seems silly to cry about
A man who's been forgotten.

It's hard to cry about
Someone who no one else
Seems to remember.

In my mourning,
I feel at times
As he died:

I wish he could call.


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