Perfectly cliche

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I still hurt when I see you.
When we're in settings like we were tonight
I'm reminded
Of how perfectly cliche
We would have been.
The boy and the girl
So similar
So different
Brother and sister social clubs
Dominant in two different sides of campus
Deans son
Chairs daughter.
It could've worked.

You still shake my friend's hands.
They're married,
We're not.
That still catches me
By surprise me sometimes.

I think that
My heart will probably break
A little bit forever
Anytime I think of
You and here.
I wish that wasn't the case,
But it might be.

I thought of something else tonight.
As I sat there, watching you now
In your blue pullover
You used to wear to class
With your curls
How you wore them
When we were still us,
I think I'll only ever have to
Miss you here.

You don't have a hold on me
Outside of this place,
Because we may have been perfect here
But we won't be out there.

I was never meant to marry you,
I wouldn't have known how to follow
If I hadn't lost.
And you never would have
Loved the life I want to live.

Here we are the perfect cliche
That aimed, broke, and missed.
But out there?
I'm my own person,
No part of me exist with you.

I'll don my gown
I'll flip my tassel
We'll walk across that stage,
I'll then never have to miss you again.

I'm free.


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