Time in Tragedy

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Time in a tragedy is the most bizarre thing.

First, time stops.
When time stops in a tragedy,
Everything is canceled.
Nothing is expected.
No timeframe exists and nothing matters.

Then, time slows down.
Time and hours melt into a day
And all we know is
The shared task of picking up the rubble.
No time frame,
No agenda,
Just recovering from the damage occurred.

Then, not long after, time speeds back up.
While I stay frozen and recovering.
Life moves on
Time speeds back up
Wether we are prepared for the
Clock to resume
Or not.

Life marches on.
My concert tickets were still purchased.
I could still drive city and see the
Signs and streets untouched.
The cars on the street beside me
Drove by, unfazed .
We still had church on Sunday morning.

Somehow, life just goes on
And time manages to resume,
Even after tragedy stops the clock.


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