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I hate a lot of things

I hate that the Devil works so hard
To convince me
That I'm better on my own

I hate that individualism
Permeates our culture so much
That I feel like I can't be a real adult
Or worth enough
Until I'm completely on my own
When in reality,
People were never designed
To be alone

I hate that curse words
Slip off my tongue in traffic
As easily
As water drips from a facet.
And I hate that
Sometimes that makes me feel cool.

I hate how much heartbreak hurts.

I hate that I have to watch
My friends
Watch their parents grow old
And slowly die.

I hate that some kids
Never get a chance.

I hate racism,
Because why wouldn't
You respect sometimes humanity
At the very least?

I hate that
I don't think I'll ever feel
Fully safe
Out in public by myself
And that I still check under my car
After church gets out late
Because I'm terrified that someone
Will slash my ankles one day.

I hate how much time
I spend on my "for you" page.

I hate the feeling of loss.

I hate that the concept
Of suicide
Even exists.
Because life always gets better,
But we can't always remember that

I hate that Robin Williams
Said so many beautiful things
And gave so many people hope,
And yet,
He somehow didn't have any at the end.

I hate a lot of things:
Pain, death, loss.

Most of all,
I hate sin and its offspring.
The results of sin:
Pain, death, and loss.

I hate brokenness
And the way it came with The Fall.

I hate even hate.

I cannot wait to one day
Live in a New Earth
Where pain is no more
Death is triumphed over
And loss no longer exists.


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