Don't Travel

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We romanticize traveling, but what about staying in the small town you grew up? What about having a memory on every corner and knowing people on every turn. What about having a building to walk into, where I can see the class where I first truly heard about Jesus.
Europe is beautiful. Cultures are intriguing. I understand why people romanticize travel.
But what I think we forget is that people here are just as interesting as people in Europe.
Everyone wants to get out of the small town they grew up in, but I think sometimes the most exciting adventure is to stay in a place where you are known. To be known is the scariest and most worthwhile of adventures.
Travel while you're young, but come home when you're ready.
Me? I want to grow my roots where I was was raised. I want to become in the place I became. I want to know and to be known.
What's so wrong about staying put in your 20s?


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