Do you even need me? Part two

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A/N: Read part 1 for this to make sense same tw's. Cross poster on angst/wandanat one shots

"These have always been your favorite foods if you can't eat it there is clearly an issue here," Wanda says while we sit on a picnic table at the fair we went to for a date day.

"There is no issue, I'm fine." I say.

"Detka don't lie. You've lost a decent amount of weight." She tells me and I look at her.

"I've barely lost anything so don't fucking lie." I roll my eyes. Sure the scale says I have but I can also look in a mirror meaning our scale is probably broke.

"So you're trying to lose, why you looked fine before?" Wanda asks.

"Fine isn't good enough clearly." I grumble. "I just don't want the food and I don't wanna talk about my arms. God forbid I don't wanna ruin the one day I'll get with you."

"What do you mean, nothing is ruined, and 'fine isn't good enough', also one day? What are you on about?" Nat says. "Why are you being defensive about this we just want to help you."

"I never asked for help nor do I need it." I respond. "I'm going to grab some water." I say rolling my eyes and getting up."

"Then I'm coming with you." She says.

"Not actually thirsty just trying to get away from you." I spat and stormed off. I didn't need help I was fine. Completely fine. But now Nat and Wanda probably pity me which is not what I wanted. I end grabbing a diet coke and go back to the table.

"Doesn't matter if you want the help but you do need it and thinking you don't is just proof of how bad this is." Nat says trying to get through to me.

"Of how bad what is?" I smirk making her groan.

"Don't be a smartass won't you just listen to us." She pleads

"I did listen I just don't care." And I know I'm being rude and I know they aren't gonna wanna hang out with me after this but what's a couple more months maybe I could lose even more, cut deeper.

"Fine if you're gonna be difficult about this we are leaving." Nat rolls her eyes.

"Seriously?" I say.

"Well yeah you're acting like a child." She says.

"Only cause you're treating me like one." I argue.

"Guys can we not. Y/n just eat a little then we will forget about it and this fight till we get home." Wanda says.

"I don't wanna get sick on the rides." I lie knowing I should've used that excuse earlier when they both give me the same look. Although maybe getting sick wouldn't be the worst because then they would never know about any of this. I look at the greasy food all those calories for such a small thing. All of it is so small it's just some food but I just can't.

"Y/n come on we just want you to be okay, we care about you." Wanda says.

"For now." I mumble.

"What did you say?" She asks confused and I shake my head.

"Nothing." I say taking a small bite out of something to distract them. I chew it for longer then normal not wanting to swallow and fuck my looks up but I do and the smile Wanda gives me is worth it but Nat still looks worried. I eat enough for us to go play some games and re-ride some of the rides and I almost forgot that they knew until we get tot the car and my stomach drops realizing they know, they know and they'll wanna talk about it.

I get in the backseat my leg bouncing and thankfully both women decide to sit up front. I try and take deep breathes my anxiety going crazy. They are going to make me stop. I don't wanna stop. I need this. I play my music loudly showing I don't wanna talk about this and I think they let it go but when we get home and I try and head to the room Wanda stops me.

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