Field Trip

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Peter is bullied but goes to SI on a field trip. Just so everyone knows my DM's are always open if you need to talk or vent:)))) also, this is a Peter/Harley fic and not too focused on bullying, whoops. It's more Peter being a little shit and proving everyone wrong bc I didn't feel like writing something too depressing and I wanted to update whoops. Also, Irondad and Spiderson :))))

Tw's: Bullying, swearing

Peter's pov

"Class, quiet down." Mrs. Lenn says from the front of the room and everyone stops talking. Mrs. Lenn was about to announce the class field trip and everyone was excited. I wasn't. Every single field trip before this has ended badly, to say the least. "Thank you." Mrs. Lenn continued. "This year the field trip is... Stark Industries!" She announces and I feel sick. I don't need my home life and school life to merge.

"Peter did you hear that!" Ned says excitedly.

"Ned you're there all the time." I remind him.

"Still!" He says excitedly and I smile.

"Well well well penis. I guess everyone will finally be able to see you were lying." Flash taunts and Peter's stomach drops. Not cause he's lying about the internship. He really is Mr. Stark's intern. But he hadn't told anyone he knew the man.

"Attached to the permission slips are NDAs that are mandatory for you and your guardian to sign if you wish to go." Mrs. Lenn continues.

"Oh my gosh. Imagine what we will see if we have to sign NDAs." Betty squeals.


After class Mrs. Lenn keeps me behind.

"Peter I know a lot has happened to you recently but that doesn't mean you can lie about the internship. If you make a fool of our class during this trip you will get a month long suspension from school." She explains.

"Wait what- My internship isn't fake. I have the papers. I can show you them tomorrow." I explain.

"Peter please do not fake documents you need to sleep." Mrs. Lenn says.

"You know what ok fine." I say and leave the room.


You're a horrible person



oh right lol

It'll be fun don't worry


See you friday petey pie

Stop calling me that

Sorry petey pie

"Hey Penis who you talking to your mommy. Oh wait you don't have one." Flash laughs.


I get to the tower for lab time and dinner and while everyone is eating I get an idea.

"Here's the thing." I say grabbing few people attention. "I have a field trip here on friday." I continue now successfully having everyones attention. Not many people are here as there was a big mission but still. "My teacher kept me after class saying I have to stop lying about an internship I don't have which isn't true." I continue.

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