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Thank you all for the 4.6k reads I'm so happy rn:)))))))))))

sorry this took so long to get out i have zero motivation to do even basic things let alone write an entire chapter and upload so i apologize 

This was a requested fic and as always dm or comment for a request. In this one, you find out about Clint's self-harming and try to help and comfort him in the best way you know how. Also, I don't know much about Clint and I'm not that good of a writer for him so it might be oc-ish but hopefully you like it.

Male reader

Tw's: Self-harm, depression, and an overall mental health struggle

"Hey babe." You say entering your and Clint's shared room. You were worried about your boyfriend as you hadn't seen him all day except when you came in the room and he was still in bed making you think he was there all day. And you weren't wrong. Clint was going through a depressive episode and has tried to hide it from everyone, including you. Today he said he didn't feel good so you assumed he meant he was sick and just let him rest.

"Mmmh" Clint replies with his face in the pillow. 

"You feeling okay?" You ask. He picks up his head and you see his puffy eyes.

"Fine," Clint replied.

"Clint. I can see you're lying. What's wrong?" You ask.

"I don't know," Clint said and because you know him you knew something was really wrong. You rubbed his back as he scooched closer to you needing the physical contact. 

"Is there any way I can help?" You ask. He shrugs his shoulders. "Did you eat today?" You ask and there was a pause before he slowly shook his head. "Can you try and eat something?" You ask and another pause before a nod. "Good. Do you want to eat in here or in the kitchen?" He sits up and slowly stands. "Kitchen it is." You say as you take his hand and lead him to the kitchen on your floor. You guys make some toaster waffles and he eats them slowly.

This happens for the next couple of weeks. You help Clint making sure he takes care of himself. Showing and eating when he needs to. And it helps him for the most part. He can get up and interact without it feeling like a chore. But his thoughts are still there and he didn't want to tell you.

Just some worthless piece of trash. Can't even let the boyfriend you don't deserve spend a day without having to look after you like your some baby.

This piece running through his mind frequently.

"Hey." You say coming up behind him and accidently scaring him. "Now I know you don't want to but Tony is having a party tonight and say everyone has to come. But Nat and I will both be there." You say half-pleading. He just groans in response.

"I really don't want to." He says.

"Tony said everyone which includes you."

"Like he would notice." Clint rolls his eyes.

"He would. And I would miss you too." You say and he just nods and goes back to his arrows he was working on previously.

That night at the party Clint seems only half there but when you asked he brushed it off as just not wanting to be social but was still there until it was just the avengers left.

"Seems stupid if you ask me." Steve says after listening to Tony.

"Ok listen here capsicle if someone else said this you would believe them so shut it. And I'm telling you something was off." Tony says to the group. Apparently someone he didn't recognize gave him coordinates and he doesn't know why.

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