Do you even need me? Part 1

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A/n: Request where the reader feels left out in the relationship because her girlfriends are treating her badly. Their leaving her out and making her feel as if they don't want her in their relationship without realizing but y/n thinks they are doing it on purpose and it's starting to take a toll on her mental health. Also, this got away from me so sorry if it isn't exactly what you wanted but I hope you like it anyway

cross posted in angst/wandanat one shots take that as you will

Tw: Self-harm, eating disorder, getting left out ig if that's a tw idk

"Hey where are you guys?" I ask as Wanda had finally picked up my call after the tenth time.

"Oh sorry detka Nat and I decided to go to the movies it just ended we'll be home soon ok?" She said.

"Yeah fine." I answer and hang up. I swear they only hang out with each other anymore. They would do anything for a night away from me. That's what it feels like at least. I haven't told them about it scared that once they figured out I have realized it they'll finally make me leave so instead I act like I've noticed nothing and hope they'll just pretend to love me still.

I decide to just get in a shower then head to bed but while in the shower I hear Wanda and Nat in the room just laughing with each other and it makes me feel worse. Why am I jealous of a relationship I'm in? Suddenly a very different thought comes to me, what if they are talking about me? I don't think they would but its possible.

I get out the shower genuinely tired and so I put on comfy pj's. Also known as Wanda's shirt and Nat's pants, and head to bed.

"Hey babe, tired?" Nat asks seeing me come in.

"Mmhmm." I say going to the edge of the bed and lying down facing the window.

"Night." She says a bit confused and her and Wanda leave the room turning the lights off.

They don't even want to be near you. What did you do to make them hate you it wouldn't have happened if you were better. Maybe if you were actually fucking useful this wouldn't happen. From now on at least try to be helpful.

I try and fall asleep to the sounds of Wanda and Nat talking in the living room clearly enjoying their time together and if I end up shedding a tear or two who cares. Definitely not them.

The next morning I wake up to Nat and Wanda also in bed still sleeping closer to each other then to me.

They are sleeping it doesn't mean anything. I try to make myself believe that when my stomach grumbles from not having anything yesterday. I go to the kitchen and decide to make pancakes for the three of us. Then I'm reminded of last night, good thing this would also be useful.

I finish the pancakes just as they come out the room.

"Smells good in here." Nat smirks and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you baby."

"Course." I smile happy I'm finally getting some attention. Wanda also thanks me and then we sit down to eat when I catch a look at myself in a mirror. I know morning skinny exist but mine kinda looks nice today.

"Aren't you gonna eat some detka?" Wanda asks.

"Oh I already ate some while you were asleep so I'm fine." I lie choosing to just sit with them instead not wanting to bloat and risk not looking good when we work out later with the team plus more food for them. They just shrug and eat the three of us just talking until everyone is done and I decide to collect the dishes and begin to wash them.

Wanda and Nat go get into work out clothes and once I am done with the dishes so do I.

We all head down to the workout room together but not without me comparing myself to them. They just ate a bunch of pancakes and still manage to look better then me. And I haven't eaten in about 40 hours now.

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