Don't worry

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A/N: Little! reader (Little space as a coping mechanism, not the kink sexualizing it is gross and comments like that will be deleted and potentially blocked depending on the context) don't like don't read. Hate will be deleted. The reader is Stucky's little and feels bad about their little space and just in general feels bad about themselves. Stucky reminds them they are loved so you get a fluffy ish ending

also just realized this is kinda like my wandanat chapter and im sorry but you can only do so much relationship depression and thats what i wanted to write.

The fact this book has almost 12k reads is genuinely insane so if you have read this far thank you so much I love you 3000:DDDD

TW: Online hate, self-harm/suicidal thoughts, disordered eating/thoughts, self-harm, just overall depression, y/n has a past with cutting, Y/n REALLYYYY does not want steve and bucky to worry about them

You stayed in your room today in the dark with the curtains closed. Your thoughts weren't the best and you didn't want to deal with anyone or anything. To say you weren't doing well was an understatement. You were doing really shitty. Recently you had overheard some girls in a coffee shop talking about you and it wasn't good things. They were saying how you didn't deserve Steve or Bucky and how it'd be better if they broke up with you and then kicked you off the team. You went home a little upset and then decided to see if this was a common opinion. Bad move on your part because while it wasn't the majority's opinion it was still a common one.

They were saying how you were just a problem and the two super soldiers deserved better. Saying how you always dragged the team down and everything would be better without you there and after reading all the comments you started to believe them because the stuff the public knows isn't even the half of it. You were also an age regressor. After everything that had happened to you having a coping mechanism like age regression felt so nice to have and when your boyfriends found out they were happy to become your caregivers.

Now you just felt guilty. Steve and Bucky help to save the world and then they come home and take care of you. They don't deserve that. You don't deserve them. Or at least that's what you told yourself.

~pov change~

I logged off Twitter a million of the comments running through my head. They aren't right, are they? Maybe I am just a burden to the team not just Steve and Bucky but everyone. At least I'm finally seeing it that way. Took me long enough. Maybe I should fix the way I act so I don't bother everyone as much.

Just simple things. No more regressing, be better on missions, Maybe don't eat as much. No one said anything about that but it's been in my mind for some time now, I would look better if I ate less I could be prettier, Also, I should be a better partner to Steve and Bucky, try to be anything but the burden I've become.

Deserve their love.

It's been a week or two since I saw those things and decided to better myself. I know it was a good thing but no one else would think so so I mostly kept to myself I see Steve or Bucky look at me weirdly whenever I refuse a meal or seem more anxious then usual around them but I always brush it off and it hasn't happened in a few days so I really hope they don't worry about me. They don't need that.

"L/n?" Tony says over comms during a mission.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"Did you take out five hydra soldiers yourself?" He asks

"Yeah." I respond like it was nothing ignoring the stab wound in my side beating in pain.

"That's terrifying." He responds.

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