The final nail

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I spent months dealing with the fallout from what Maureen and Will did to me, except it started years ago. Maureen's jealousy started my downward spiral. Will made sure to finish me off.

I developed an eating disorder, OCD, depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts once the doctor diagnosed me correctly through my therapy sessions. She prescribed me medication to help with my depression and anxiety. She tailored a therapy for my anorexia and OCD. It helped me reclaim my life.

On the other hand, Shep helped me in ways the therapist couldn't. He worked with me to help rebuild my home. He could have walked away after what happened. I wouldn't have blamed him one iota. But he didn't. He chose to tough it out and help me.

I hated and loved every minute of Shep's care. I didn't want to get my hopes up and have them obliterated. It would have put the final nail in the proverbial coffin. But Shep showed me that wasn't the case.

After a betrayal, your life is never the same, and neither are you. You're a different person with a jaded outlook. It takes time for both parties to work through the betrayal process. Both work toward forgiveness. One works for it, and the other works to earn it. Shep and I worked for both.

We both betrayed each other and worked to earn each other's forgiveness. It makes you wonder if you'll survive in the end.

My guess is a resounding yes.

"I figured I would find you on the back porch." Shep plopped down beside me on the porch and handed me an iced tea.

I took the iced tea from him. "I was thinking."

"Care to enlighten me?"

I gazed at Shep. "I'm ready to pound in that final nail."

Shep's brow lifted as the corner of his mouth kicked up. "Whenever you're ready."

"How about a month after Amber and Grayson's wedding?"

"I can work with that." Shep nodded.

"I don't want anything big. Just family."

"And family it will be. Whatever you want, Maury."

"Then, we'll do it right." I beamed.

"Don't tell me you called that city boy."

"Okay. I won't." I stood up and walked toward the door.

Shep stood up. "Maury."

"Shep, he agreed to marry all of us since he had some downtime from family weddings. Plus, I like him." I disappeared into the house before Shep voiced his displeasure.


I shook my head and sighed. Maury was fond of that visiting preacher. It didn't surprise me that he would invite him to our wedding. Those city boys have a different way about them than us folk in Tacoma Falls.

We'll hog-tie you faster than you can blink and drag you through the fields. Country boys don't mess around when it comes to our own.

I called my brothers to give them the news. Those schmucks agreed with Maury since they hired that preacher to perform their weddings.

After getting off the phone, I found Maury sitting on the couch with an innocent smile. I strolled over and lowered myself beside him. "That smile won't help you out of this jam."

Maury's smile faded. "But you like my smile."

I bobbed my head. "I do, but not when you hire a preacher without talking to me."

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