Staying in the shadows

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On the day of Granny's funeral, I wore a pair of slacks and a nice button-down shirt. I had to look presentable for Granny. She wouldn't accept anything less.

I drove Papa to the funeral home and checked out the flowers. The funeral director did an excellent job with the arrangements. They were simple, like Granny.

People entered the funeral home and greeted Papa while I kept my distance and lingered by the flowers. I endured the stares and whispers while people paid their respects.

I noticed the Fullers, the Shaws, and the Heart families enter. I turned to face the flowers and prayed they wouldn't see me.

"Hey, Maury," Morgan said.

"Oh, hey, Morgan. Don't mind me. Papa has people to greet. I'm just admiring the flowers. Aren't they lovely?"

"Maury." Morgan knitted her brows.

I forced a smile even though I was dying inside. "It's okay. Granny is having a beautiful service to honor it. Isn't that nice of the funeral director?"

"Have you grieved for your granny?"

"Today is not about me. It's about Granny. I don't get to grieve."


"This is God's punishment. I don't get to grieve after what I had done."


I looked at Morgan with knitted brows. "Please, Morgan. Let me deal with my punishment."

Morgan nodded before walking away.

I refuse to cry and draw attention to myself. I'll stand with the flowers while everyone pays their respects.


I entered the funeral home and heard the whispers. My eyes drifted to someone standing alone, facing the flowers. Then, I realized it was Maury.

"Shep?" Beau asked.

I looked at my brothers. I hadn't spoken to them since that night.

Beau approached me. "Hey."

"Hey," I said.

"Waylon and I are real sorry."

"Can we not talk about this right now?"

"Uh, sure."

I walked toward Maury as people whispered. I didn't care. I'm angry about what happened, but this wasn't right.

Maury glanced at me before taking a step away. "Hello, Shepherd. Thanks for coming. Granny would have appreciated it." His tone held that formality.


"You should keep your distance from me so no one gossips about you. You don't deserve their gossip. I do."


"I'm okay, Shepherd. Today is about Granny. Please take a seat with everyone." Maury kept his eyes locked on the flowers.

I studied Maury's side profile. He didn't look like he slept a wink or ate a lick of food. People whispered and glanced at Maury. I caught my brothers watching us. Yeah, keep watching because the shit is about to hit the fan.

I grabbed Maury's hand and dragged him to the front.

He protested and put up a fight. "Shepherd!"

"Hush now!"

Maury whimpered as I dragged him to his granny. This woman meant the world to him. For him not to grieve was pure ridiculous.

"Listen up," I said.

Tacoma Falls: Blazing HeartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang