Sealing the cracks

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For the past few months, I watched Maury struggle. I accepted my part in his struggles and vowed to be a better man. It started when I woke Maury up one morning.

"Shep," Maury groaned.

"Come on, sleepy head. Time's a'wasting."

Maury lifted his head, squinted his eyes, and dropped his head in the pillow. "It's six am. It's too early to waste time."

"Then you leave me no choice." I crawled over Maury as he grunted and lay beside him.


"If you want to lay in bed all day, so will I."

Maury rolled over and grumbled before rubbing his face and dropping his hands. "Don't you have cattle to take care of?"

"Nope. My cattle days are done."

"Then what will you do for work?"

"Taking care of my man is a good start." I shrugged.

"What?" Maury raised his brow.

"It's time I take care of you. So, that's what I will do." I winked at Maury.

"I'm not helpless."

"I didn't say you were. But it's nice to have someone take care of you. Don't you think?" I held out my palm to Maury.

Maury glanced between my palm and me before slapping his hand in it. I curled my callous fingers around his soft ones and held them.

"You need lotion."

"I thought you enjoyed my rough hands on your skin."

"To a point. But a little softness goes a long way."

"Fine. I'll use some lotion on my hands." I rolled my eyes.

"Now, since I'm up before the roosters, I want some coffee."

"It's already brewing."


"I rise at four am every morning. So, I brewed a fresh pot."

"It's still dark outside."

"Force of habit." I shrugged.

Maury groaned before covering his face with a pillow. Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither was a foundation of a house.


Shep dragged me out of bed since he woke me up before the chickens. I did my morning routine while Shep watched. I don't see what the big deal is. I used the toilet and brushed my teeth.

"What?" I asked while brushing my teeth.

"I love watching you do your morning routine."

"Since when?"

"Since forever. You would get up around the same time, do your routine, and head to the office. Everything was precise with you. It became comforting to me."

I rinsed my mouth, spit, and wiped the residue from my lips. "It's a habit I developed when I was younger. Maureen was adamant about me developing a routine. If I didn't do it to her specifications, she would make me kneel on uncooked rice."

"What?" Shep's face hardened as his jaw clenched.

"I learned to follow her instructions. It was easier than dealing with her punishments."

"What else did that monster do to you?"

I bunched my brows together. "Do we need to talk about this now?"

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