Piece by piece

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I opened my eyes, stretched, and yawned before getting out of bed and shuffling to the bathroom. After doing my business, I washed my hands and brushed my teeth when I heard a chuckle. I glanced at Shep leaning against the door frame with his arms folded while I had toothpaste foam around my mouth.

"You never change your routine. You get up, use the toilet, and brush your teeth."

I pulled the toothbrush from my mouth and pointed it at Shep. "I'll have you know that fresh breath is important in the morning. Plus, I never had a cavity."

"Not with the way you brush your teeth. But I don't mind your minty breath."

"You're just jealous that I have minty breath, unlike you." I shoved the toothbrush in my mouth and finished brushing my teeth.

Shep strode into the bathroom and stood behind me. "You always had good hygiene compared to me. No one can fault you for taking care of yourself."

I rinsed my mouth and spit in the sink before turning to Shep. "It's the only thing I have in my life." I gave a half-hearted shrug.

"It's not the only thing. You have me and your grandfather. The jury is still out on your pa." Shep smirked.

"It's a work in progress." I shrugged again.

"Yes, it is." Shep cupped my face and kissed my forehead.

I melted into his lips and sighed.



"Maury, what is it?"

"Nothing. Just drop it, Shep." I moved away from Shep and walked away. I didn't have the courage to ask for a kiss on the lips. I doubt he would do it anyway if I asked.

Shep gave me his forgiveness. I didn't want to push my luck. I could admire him from afar while my heart ached. It was better than nothing.

I returned to my bedroom and made my bed, wondering when Shep would realize he made a mistake. If I didn't push, I could stay a little longer with him. But then again, that niggling doubt squeezed my heart.

I gripped the skin on my stomach to check if I needed to lose a few pounds. Even with Shep's forgiveness, he would tire of my body. I sighed again.

"Maury, stop."

I looked at my feet and played with the hem of my tee shirt. "Stop what, Shep?"

Shep approached me. "Stop thinking those niggling thoughts that creep into your head."

"I can't. It's the only way I can't control...."

"Control what?"

I lifted my gaze to Shep. "Control not pushing you into something you might not want."


I turned to Shep and rubbed my forehead before lowering my hand. "You gave me your forgiveness. I understand if you'll find someone new. I won't complain or argue. No, sir." I waved my hand before me and pushed down the lump in my throat. "I'll accept your decision. If you want me to leave, I won't fight you. I promise. I want you to be happy even if it's not with me."

"And who says you don't make me happy? You?"

I furrowed my brows.

"That's the problem. You assume when you shouldn't. You can push me away all you want. But I will stay rooted in my spot like tree roots. I meant what I said last night. We're rebuilding this home together."

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