Hometown justice

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When you come from a southern town like Tacoma Falls, you have your own brand of justice you serve to people who do you wrong. We Shaws don't mess around when it comes to fixing a wrong. I knew the minute I called Waylon what was coming for that snake. So, I let it happen.

After reassuring Maury, I dragged him back to the house. He fought me every step of the way, but I didn't relent. I meant forever when I proposed to Maury. No Billy Gilroy or some viper would stop me from making him mine.

We entered the house as Larry and Lawson met us.

"Maury, are you okay?" Larry asked.

"No, not really," Maury huffed.

I gripped Maury's hand tighter when he tried to let go. Not happening.

"Maury, we understand you don't want to testify against Will. But your testimony will help put him away," Lawson reasoned.

"But you didn't have your life blown up in a single moment! I did! I allowed Will to bulldoze me because I didn't make a fuss! And it cost me everything!" Maury exclaimed.

"But it didn't," Larry said.

"What?" Maury knitted his brows in confusion.

Larry walked toward Maury and rested his hands on Maury's shoulders. "What happened with Will didn't cost you a damn thing. It helped you understand yourself better. It gave you a second chance at life, happiness, and love. It brought people who truly care about you together to show you are not alone anymore."

Maury stared at Larry with furrowed brows.

"Maury, you never deserved to have people mistreat you. You have the biggest heart in Tacoma Falls. Your granny and I wanted to protect you from the world's cruelties. But we couldn't."

Maury looked at Larry before turning his gaze to me. I gave him a crooked smile. Maury's lips started curving into a smile before revealing his dimples I had come to love. I would give anything to always see those dimples.


Today had exhausted me like no other. Shep took me home to get a breather from today's events.

Once we arrived home, I walked toward the garden, entered it, and stared at all the plants. "It's funny."

"What is?" Shep asked from behind me.

"Plants don't ask for much except a little care. You weed them, sprinkle water, and let the sunshine on them. They're happy. So, why can't people do that for me?" I turned and faced Shep.

"Because people forget you need to tend a garden to make it grow. I didn't understand a garden was so important to you when you mentioned it. But I realized you showed it more care than people showed you. You showed me why it's important to care about someone. They flourish when you do."

"All I ever wanted was someone to show they care. A little affection would have been enough."

"Why a little? Why not more?" Shep stepped toward me. "Maury, you deserve more than a smidge of affection. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes." He cupped my face with his rough hand and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. Shep might have rough hands, but he had the gentlest touch.

I placed my hand on his, leaned in, and pressed my lips to Shep's. Shep moved his free hand to the other side of my face and deepened the kiss. I fisted his tee shirt and melted into his kiss.

Someone cleared their throat, making us break from our kiss. Shep pressed his forehead against mine and sighed before kissing my forehead and dropping his hands to the side. We turned to see Judge Heart standing on the other side of the fence.

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