chapter 17

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After sneaking sherry back to shalini's room, abhimanyu began contemplating what to do next. He kept thinking back to everytbing that had happened in the academy, his first day, his meeting to raj and their conversations , in fact the first conversation he had with him after the hunting game which bc had interrupted, the memory made him smile.

" What the hell raj? I didn't reacted before because of naina but naina is in kma and you are too. Why did you not tell me? "

" What could I say chauhan. After naveens capture and naina's accident we both decided not to meet her for her sake. And after naveens death we both were sent on separate missions. We were not even given time to talk to each other. Even though we both were working in same department, we were never given same missions again. But before that you me naveen we had almost every mission together. Atleast two of us were always together. That's why our living arrangement worked. But after that it was never the same. Either army has lost their trust from us Or someone was trying to keep us separate so that we could not investigate naveens case. Naina and her family changed address and vanished. I couldn't find them. All these years I carried out my investigations alone as you were too. But how many chances we were given. It took me so long time and so many efforts to convince intelligence that they could trust me and send me to the same mission he was given. And after I convinced them that ritu mishra wasn't the leader I was allowed to stay so I could investigate further. Didn't you do the same. Took missions after missions so that they would trust you enough and leave you alone to investigate. "

" Why didn't you contacted me raj? I tried to reach you so many times. "

" I wanted to. But something was telling me that we were being watched. There was one more reason for staying away. I couldn't forgive you for sherry. "

" Raj I never had any ill intentions for her. How do i make you believe that i love her. Even if fate decides to separate her I will still wait for her. "

" I believe you. The thing is when you came back from America I was so angry, but after our conversation I was awkward. Couldn't even speak to you properly till naina set me straight. She told me that you and sherry had a fight because of it. She made me realise how my sister felt and then I wanted to tell you to go ahead but then the big brother in me stopped me. I waited and did nothing. Then she came with naveen to delhi. We had so much fun before I realised that you and sherry were pretending to be happy for our sake. "

" I wasn't pretending. I was thrilled to see her. While I was leaving her in America, she was hurt and told me that she would like to date other people, that she cannot do long-distance. I agreed. What else could I have said. I had promised her that I would let her go whenever she wanted. When she came to delhi I hoped we will be friends atleast. She told me she had a bf and I should not tell you lest you will ban it too. So I didn't and we pretended to be together. We just weren't acting. However we were in front of you guys, it was a real. I didn't even feel for a second that we have separated. I was still hopeful. When she was leaving she expected me to stop her. I didn't. How could I have. She left heartbroken again. Naveen called me a fool and took her from there. "

" I remember. I followed her out to explain your plight. But she blamed me for it. Said that she had lost you because of me. I told her she will never loose you. After that I was guilty. She never called me again. "

" She stopped picking up my call as well. I won't lie. I was frustrated with you as well . I took a mission voluntary and left. "

" After you left naina wouldn't even talked to me until I promised her that I will make everything right. "

" I came back with a better sense of mind. I decided whatever happened happened. Maybe it was meant to be. Maybe there was someone else for sherry and if not then we will find a way to each other. "

" Yeah, when you had told me this, naina had called you a fool. But then she said she doesn't know sherry that well. She hopes that she will she how good a person you are and forgive you. And we decided that once we three could match our vacations we will all visit her and if she still wants you then I would never judge her or you how you conduct your relationship. "

" Alas, that time never came. Tension broke out in border and we were called at siachin. The tension was too much, I remember our commander keeping me out of borders and giving me light duties due to his respect for his highness. Naveen had decided that I will never be posted at border dur to his highness influence. "

" Yeah I know the conversation too well. Anyway you changed you platoon and got under colonel sinha. He never put you under any bias. He trained you better in camouflage and sent you on solo missions more than me Or Naveen. After siachin, you were sent on other mission and Naveen joined kma. And when you came back I had to go on a mission. It was a four month long mission. "

" Naina was miserable without you, you know but she understood that this is your life. She tried contacting sherry behind you. She even succeeded. But sherry had become so distant. When you came back we were just waiting for Naveen to be free so we could go to her. Atleast apologize. Naveen said he was eager to come meet us. And I vacation is the best way to tell us what he needs to. He even said that he might bring someone to meet us too. But then... "

" But then he was captured. Naina got into that accident and all our lives changed. I couldn't function properly after his death and I was sent on another mission soon after. "

" You know sherry came back after hearing about Naveen. She wanted to be their for us. Then she heard about naina. She said it was too much and she went back. She never called again. But of course lala ji still keeps me updated about her. She still talks to ranima but not me. "

" She told me that. She calls me sometimes but she had become too distant. In order to find out if you both truly love each other or it's just a phase I had pushed her too hard. I was guilty and so I couldn't face you. After Naveen there was a lot of stuff that I couldn't deal with. So I couldn't keep contact. "

" That's okay my friend. I am here now . Tell me whatever happened when I wasn't here. "

And raj told him. From his first meeting with naina at kma, him being shocked on seeing her, doubting her to be a spy even though he knew she is not because chobey doubted her, his engagement to ritu mishra, major bhargav, him explaining to brigadier chandok that he is married to naina while explaining him major bhargavs plot, their mission to transfer the trigger everything. After that abhimanyu promised him that now he his here and they are together they will prove Naveen innocent. And he hopes that someday naina might remember them again.

Since that day he had tried every day to be there for naina, support her. But then the truth came out that he had killed Naveen. And he couldn't forgive raj for it. But when he finally did he tried his best to make naina see the same picture. But then the competition came. And abhimanyu remembered their earlier days. The cadets not liking him, his insecurities, he blamed it all on raj, like he blamed him for sherry leaving him so much that it became too much. He still regrets the football match and his behaviour that day. He even went to apologize to raj for it when raj said that their fight is doing some good things as well. Naina is growing closer to him, like ahe had before. He remembered when in delhi they had their differences and naina would always solve them. She was always the link between them. And before naina it was Naveen. But now rajveer is no longer here with him. And to bring him back naina might be the link again.

Naina is the kin he needs to fight for rajveer. But do he dare to tell naina about her past and risk her losing it wll. The doctors had warned that if the shock is too big she might go into coma from which she might never come back. How do he do it without naina and will his friend ever forgive him if he endangers naina like that.

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