chapter 6

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The story follows the same path as the serial till the detention center. It's been a while that I have seen the serial so I might falter a bit with the plot.

When the cadets came out of the detention center they it has been almost 3 and half month since rajveer was convicted for colonal shakti chandra murder. Abhimanyu and shalini receives them with proud faces and indulgent smiles. They have come a long way together but their struggles are far from over.

Naveen pov
My sister and her friends have proved themselves to be survivers. They have come out stronger and wiser then before. But the path ahead them is more difficult then they could ever imagine and without their favorite mentor to support them I am afraid they would be lost again.
Abhimanyu and shalini both in theirs hearts want to fulfill that role but they know they can't. They will never be able to fill the void that rajveer has left behind. In years to come rajveers story will be some sort of legend. But for now it's a burden in hearts of his favorite cadets and his best friend. Specially his best friend. Abhimanyu is filled with guilt and rage, that again he failed to save his best friend. First he lost naveen and now rajveer. But only he knows by loosing both his friends he had lost more relationships then he can afford to lose. Relationship that were dearest to him. With losing his friends he not only lost his best friend but he was sure he would lost the one he loved too.
After coming out of detention center cadets and rescuing sameera they had won themselves a weekend off before joining KMA that they decided to spent at yudi's house. Yudi's parents were out of town and neelu had come back from mumbai after giving birth to a baby girl. Abhimanyu and shalini joined them as they missed the cadets dearly also because abhimanyu wanted to discuss some important things with them that couldn't happen at KMA. Also shalini wanted to meet the baby girl whom she had decided to adopt. She had always wanted to have a child of her own and by adopting neelu's baby she feels she will always have a part of yudi with her.

At yudi's place all are having dinner. Everyone is relieved to be out of detention center but happiness is far from them . They are still grieving rajveer. The only smile that came to their faces was because of neelu's baby. Neelu wanted shalini to name her baby so that shalini could feel her to be her own. Shalini named her lekha after aalekh as he was the one who had taken upon himself to give the child her name. Everyone was too happy with the decision specially aalekh and neelu. Even though aalekh couldn't adopt the baby and give her his name she had a part of his name atleast. Also he and neelu had decided to give their relationship a chance but before that they wanted to give themselves a chance at life. So neelu had decided to go abroad for higher studies. And in the meantime aalekh had decided to be a officer that neelu's family would not be ashamed of.

" Naina you are not eating anything properly. Is there any issue? Did you not like the food? " Neelu asked with concern.
" No neelu food is nice. I am just not feeling like eating. "
" What happened naina? Are you okay? " Shalini asked.
Instead of naina , pooja answered, " Mam naina is having trouble eating. She is always nauseated and frequently have vomiting issues. "
" Naina why didn't you tell me sooner" Abhimanyu asked worried.
" I am fine abhimanyu sir. Just feeling a little tired. "
" In anycase naina I would like to check you. Sometimes exhaustion can lead to serious issues. "

After dinner shalini checked naina's vitals and asked for her symptoms.

"It's nothing much mam. Just routine exhaustion and stress I guess. I don't feel like eating many things, can't bear strong smells even my periods have become irregular. If I recall correctly I haven't had any since detention center. " Naina ended the sentence with a shock as if realising something for the first time.

" Hmm, that's fine. It might have been stress and exhaustion. Stress can also alter your periods. " Shalini said.

" I remember when I missed my periods only to realize later that I was pregnant. I don't think I will ever forget the shock of that. " Neelu added.

" Dr shalini I think I need a pregnancy kit" Naina said quitely.

"Naina.... " Dr shalini exclaimed as three pair of shocked eyes stared her.

Shalini calmed herself down and nodded. " I will get it for you"

" Mam it's very late in the night. Let me get aalekh. He won't ask questions . "

Naina nodded and neelu left to get aalekh.

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