chapter 12

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Abhimanyu started telling them about their college days specially how raj was the most shy and stayed away firm girls.

" So your favorite teacher was never ever seen in company with girls. And it was a hard task considering naveen who was a big flirt and was seen always in company of girls. Anyway we three passed at top or our class with naveen being the best cadet passout. Naveen was selected for a special mission straight away. Naveen was not only good at being a soldier but his friendiness allowed him to interact with public as well. He was posted in a remote area of jharkhand where a civil war kind of situation was going on between local community and extremist. Army was posted there for maintaining peace and Naveen was second in command there which was a great achievement for a recent passed out. Raj was posted in delhi in army intelligence as he has always been a master strategist. I was posted in gorkha regiment on my fathers request. He thought their bravery might make me a better soldier. During a rebellion Naveen got his first ever gunshot wound. He was proud. But anyway he was suggested a holiday but he refused stating that he is perfectly well capable. His commanding officer appreciated the sentiment but he knew things are going to escalate. So he requested reinforcement. I was put in charge of a small gurkha batallion to join them. Raj was also called in on request by naveen. He said we worked best when we were together. Since Raj received the notice late he was coming alone.

When news of naveens injury reached his home his sister got too much worried and did something no one expected her to do. She ran from her home to meet naveen. As I said we were in a remote location. She reached jharkhand but didn't knew naveens exact location. She got lost and was found by mone other than out Rajveer.

The first time rajveer saw naina, he couldn't react. He was mesmerized. He never thought something like this could happen to him but it did. But he was a soldier and a gentleman. Naina was a lady in distress for him. So he was on his best behavior. What he didn't know was that naina was going through same emotions. Raj decided he should take her to nearby police station but naina insisted on army base telling her brother is there. But she never told him his name. Raj brought her to the military base and received the shock of his life. For the first time in his life he liked someone so much that he thought he might fall in love with her if he hasn't already. And that came out to be his best friends sister. I think raj finally started to understand my plight.
Anyway since naina was a civilian in normal circumstances she wouldn't have been allowed to stay there but our commanding officer saw her bravery and her care for naveen and allowed her to stay till naveen recovered. Since in our time girls weren't this common in army naina's presence was a source of excitement among army men and a concern for naveen. So I and raj were put in charge of her so as to keep other officers away from her. That means we were spending a lot of time with her.
Naina became a dear friend to me in those days. And she and rajveer were getting more close. There feeling were getting stronger day by day. Maybe they thought they had so less time before naina had to leave that there relationship progressed at a faster rate. As you all know how shy raj was, he kept loving her from afar but never gathered the courage to ask more about her. I had no such obligation. I could sense there attraction and decided to play cupid a little bit. I didn't had to do much just tell them that they are heading the same way, not in chemistry but in geography. Raj was posted in delhi and he was there just for one more week. And naina too was living in delhi in hostel at that time. So they realised they could still meet. But raj had his doubts because as men ee are clueless to what the girl is feeling for us and also been she was naveens sister and brocode. But naina had no such obligation and I am taught that girls know when someone likes them. Their intuition is never wrong.
Naina made raj promise that he will visit her in delhi. And naina left. In the remaining week that naina was not in the camp, raj missed her terribly. He knew he wouldn't be able to stay away but he feared what will naveen say too. But then he convinced himself that niana is just a friend and as long as she doesn't like him no one has to know what raj feels.
So they met again in delhi. They kept going on dates. Reached from gazing into each other eyes to hand holding occasionally. Raj kept convincing himself that it is one sided even though he knew now that naina feels the same. So he didn't told naveen. And then one day naina asked rajveer to go for a movie. 3 hrs in a dark theater with naina in close proximity was testing raj's patience. And even though he was a gentleman he was a man not a saint. And he could feel same vibe radiating from naina too. And naina was tired of the slow pace her relationship was going. She wanted a proposal, atleast a confession. Even she was the one who confessed to liking him first. After movie, they were returning back. It was late night so raj was going to take naina to her friends home and not the hostel. Midway naina requested raj to stop the jeep. She had seen a secluded place and wanted to sit there for some time. Raj feared that him being with naina in such a place alone would not be ideal. But he gave in. He always did when it comes to naina. They sat there for a while with naina leaning on raj shoulder. And for once raj didn't find it unusual. He was content just being there. They talked about anything and everything for once not caring that he had to take naina back in time. Naina's friend lived alone so there was no time obligation.
After a while raj suggested they should head back but naina insisted to wait for  a little while. And out of nowhere rain started, he asked naina to run to the jeep but she didn't. She stood there soaking in the rain and raj kept looking her mesmerized. He didn't even realized when he got so close to naina. And you guys might not believe it but rajveer was the one who kissed her. Naina was just blissfully happy to let him. After that rajveer dropped her to her friends place. Both were disturbed after the kiss but for different reasons.

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