chapter 10

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As soon as Sherry declared that they might have too announce their engagement, everyone started seeing each other's face. Sherry still doesn't know and abhimanyu haven't gotten any clue how he was going to tell her. He suggested naina what he thought was the best but he hadnt thought about Sherry that time. Not that she will want to announce the engagement the same day he had decided to propose the same to naina.

" Sherry that might be a little more complicated then that. " Abhimanyu started.

" I know I have left you. And I shouldn't have hoped that you would wait but i hoped anyway. I would understand if you don't want me anymore. I would understand that you and your family wouldn't want to associate with me after what my father did. And i know you won't pretend a fake engagement. I won't pile on I promise. But we have to do this. I will leave the day we proove their innocence. But till then even if you can't love me just pretend. " She said her voice breaking at the end.

Abhimanyu's heart was breaking seeing her like this. She was just a kid. And yet she had to go through so much, loose so much. He wants to comfort her, take her in his arms assure her but he cannot. He had given his friend a promise to take care of both and right now naina's need is far greater than sherry's. So he hesitated in telling her no and hesitated in comforting her too.
Naina noticed it so she went to sherry and put a hand on her shoulder comforting her. She then looked at abhimanyu.
" Don't abhimanyu sir. Please don't sacrifice your happiness for my sake. At least someone should get their love. Ans after what she had revealed she will need your support for than ever. "

" For your sake. " Sherry asked.

" I am pregnant with your brothers child. It's been more than three months now. We also found out today. So abhimanyu proposed to marry me so rajveers name won't get tarnished more. But he shouldn't. He should marry you whom he loves so much. "

" No naina, I am sorry I didn't know or I wouldn't have suggested. We will handle my father any other way. Anyway I was being far from him so that my father couldn't take benefit from our relationship. And he is right we can't afford the world to know that rajveer got his student pregnant. "

Everybody winced at her last line but they couldn't say anything. It was true. But abhimanyu couldn't take this anymore.
" I am not getting married to anyone, not today atleast. But naina we do need to announce our engagement. I have thought it through. And if everything goes well we might come out of it well. I don't see anyway in which you can complete your training this year. I am just focused on getting lala gehlot behind bars before your pregnancy can became public. After that whatever you chose . We can get married and raise the child or you could chose to give birth quitely like neelu did. I will adopt the baby. And when you are ready for it, if someday you decide to move on you can Or you can take care of your child yourself but only when you are ready. And as fir sherry why she is in the academy, we will have to think of something. Even if we cannot it wouldn't effect us much. Her father already suspects her. We will just have to be extra careful. " Then he looked at sherry, " Do you trust me sherry? "

" With my own life" She answered.
He just nodded but she understood everything he had not said. She always did.

Now we all need some rest. Specifically you naina. Please get some sleep. Naina nodded. While shalini and neelu took naina inside abhimanyu informed aalekh to bring everyone on the terrace. The meeting hadn't ended yet but it had to happen without naina.
Shalini got naina to sleep by providing her with a sleeping pill and then she joined everyone else.

" What is it captain abhimanyu? I thought we had received enough shocks for a day? "

" If you think like that dr shalini then you are deluded. The biggest shock is yet to arrive. "

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