chapter 9

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After brief introduction , sherry settled with them in what she anticipated was going to be a long and tiring conversation but she had to do it. She owned that much to rajveer and naveen. She sighed. She had come such a long way from being a naive teenager to a shrewd ametuar spy as she liked to call herself. Being rajveer's small sister and naveen's prodigy she had to have a little talent in intelligence. And it is said what you can't learn yourself circumstances teach you. That is what happened with sherry. In these years she feels like she had grown so much, seen so much she can barely claim herself to be youngest in the room but she is.

She took a deep breath and started to say her piece, " I know you all must have lots of question for me, specially you abhimanyu. So please ask. "

" It can wait sherry. First I need to know how you are involved in all this. The only relief I had was you were far away from it all and now you are not. I promised raj to take care of you. How I am supposed to do that with you playing hide and seek like that? "

" And that is exactly the reason this conversation cannot wait." Sherry looked around and she found everyone looking at her with different expressions but all had a look of beliwerment on their face. " Abhi as you know it's been years that I met you and I know you think that I was in America all this time but I was not. Not completely . I kept coming back to India more than I ever planned to. But I couldn't tell you or rajveer bhaiya. You yourself got to know that I am in India when I did that accident and dad did that interview disclosing my presence in India."

" Why would you do that Sherry? And how could no one know? Where were you all this while? "

" At my home of course and dad knew. But I dared him if he told you or rajveer bhaiya anything I will never come back. And I have embodied that rebellious, jazz music hippie kinda face so he took me seriously. In all honesty he just hoped if I keep coming back to India then someday I will rekindle our romance you know. That you will change me for good. But you kept taking missions after missions after naveen. So it was easy if you ask me to hide what I was doing. "

" And why exactly you were doing that? " Abhimanyu started to ask but his voice got drawned in a collective question that everyone asked at the same time.

" You guys were together? "

" What romance? "

" You and Sherry. "

"Did rajveer know? "

No one heard which question was asked by whom.
" Relax guys. It's true. I and Sherry wer together. In fact engaged to be married. "

" Arrange marriage I must add" Sherry said nonchalantly.

" Really, I don't remember as such. "

" I was 12. It was arrranged. "

" You were 14. And I still remember your confession. "
"And how old were you Mr prince. 20 -22. "
" Yes and you knew all that. Anyway whatever it was it doesn't matter now. We had decided to give it a break when Sherry left for America and she wanted to explore. "

" I was 16"

" You were 18 and before any of you ask, yes rajveer knew about us. Both our families knew and were involved. "

" Sirji I didn't know you support child marriage. " Huda commented.

" I will explain it to you cadet huda but some other time. Sherry is this the time to discuss all this. "

" No, sorry got distracted. Anyway so I was saying there was one very good reason for doing all this. I was following orders of naveen. "

" Naveen is dead. " Abhimanyu said.

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