chapter 2

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Rajveer why didn't you called me sooner. I would have been here much before. I would have helped you.

Helped me to do what chauhan sahab?

Anything my friend, anything. To fight with you, to prove naveen inoccent, to......... To..

To what?

To get naina.

Okay okay more confusion right. So let me help. From now on take me to be the voice of captain naveen singh aaluwalia.

Pov of naveen
I know you guys must be thinking rajveer trying to get my sister naina after all he had done for her as well as taken from her. And why abhimanyu is helping him and how the hell does he knows about both of them.
Let me start from the start. From the day naina joined the academy to prove my innocence. When naina came to KMA her only goal was to prove me innocent and she was all alone in it till rajveer became her mentor. He guided her through a the difficulties, fought for her , defended her from everyone. She found friends here and found so much growth. I feel so proud of my sister and sad too for she has lost her own innocence in the process. She is still honest but she is not my old naina. She is not my gudiya.
Everything is changed now. Even her relationship with rajveer. She hates him now after knowing he was the one who had to kill me. She shot him and still couldn't forgive him. She connected with my other friend abhimanyu and brought him here. Naina feels a strange comfort with abhimanyu but she can't put a finger on it. After coming to KMA abhimanyu tried his best to help naina as  well as rebond with rajveer but since last night this too has changed. Abhimanyu now knows too that rajveer was the one who had to pull the trigger. Will he ever forgive him. Will naina ever forgive raj , only time will tell.

I can't believe it raj. Why would you do that to naveen. Why did you do that to naina?

Abhimanyu please think clearly. Put aside your emotions and think. What was our promise to each other when there was no other hope?

Was there no other hope raj?

Do you think I would have done it lightly? I would have done it if there was any other hope? Please answer yourself .
Saying that raj went from there.

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