chapter 13

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" I loved that movie so much. It was so so good. You really should watch that movie. I am sure you will love it. " Naina told rajveer.

" Naina I just saw that movie with you. "

" Really, I thought you were just watching me. " Naina teased

" How do you say these things with straight face. " Raj said shaking his head and trying to hide his blush.

" So I can't tease you or I am not telling the truth. "

" It's not like that. "

" So you were not watching me. "

" Yes I was. I mean a little.... You know...... I didn't mean to offend you. "

" Not taken Leutinent rajveer. Anyway I know I am worth looking." Rajveer just could smile at naina's antics.

They were coming back from a movie and rajveer was supposed to drop her at her friends place rather than her hostel. So she had no deadline today. And for once even rajveer had allowed himself to be in her company a little while longer . They were driving at a slow pace when naina requested him to stop the car.

" What is it naina? Why did you asked me to stop the car? "

" Rajveer look there. Leisure valley. Let's go there. "

" Naina it's night time. We will come back in the day time. Okay "

" But I have seen it in the day time. And it is open always. There isnt a locked gate there. And you are with me. So I don't care if it's haunted. "

And with that she came out of the jeep and went inside before rajveer could stop her. He ran after her worried as it was really late and that place remains deserted after 5 in evening. He went inside and came and stood with naina.

"Let's go find the lake we found that day. "

" Naina it's too far inside. And the way is also not visible. Let's stay near the entrance. "

" Fineee. Atleast let's sit for a while. Shall we? "

" After you. "

Naina went and sat on a bench with rajveer sitting right beside her. It was really peaceful and she couldn't help leaning on rajveer and for once even rajveer put his hand around her shoulder. She was having the time of her life. All she wanted was to snuggle more close to Raj so she did. But Raj was getting more and more uncomfortable with the closeness. Not because he didn't wanted it but because he wanted it too much. While in the theatre, the dark atmosphere and the movie and the closeness between him and naina were too much for him to handle. He was a man after all a man with desires and he loved her. Raj scolded himself for thinking all those things but naina being pressed to his one side wasn't helping the matter at all.

He was going to suggest that they should leave but the rain started falling. He urged naina to go back to jeep Or they will get wet. But naina didn't listen. She went ahead and started enjoying himself in the rain. Raj could just look at her mesmerized. He didn't even realised when he reached so close to her. Naina saw him and without realising put her arms around his neck as if to stabilize herself. Rajveer couldn't bear how nai a was looking at him expectantly. He knew he might regret it tomorrow but right now in this moment kissing her was the most right thing so he did. He pulled her to himself and pressed his lips to her. She gasped opening her lips a bit and he deepened it some more. Whatever reserve he had for kissing naina went away when she started responding with equal fervor if not more.
They stopped kissing only when they had to catch their breathes. Rajveer touched naina forhead with his catching his breath with a smile mirroring naina's.

" It's our first kiss rajveer." Naina said and rajveer broke from his trance and realised what happened but naina was too happy to realise rajveer's shift in the mood. She was blissfully happy in the moment and she didn't wanted anything to ruin it

This was the feeling with which naina woke up in the morning. She thought it to be a dream. But it was so real. The kiss, she had remembered that kiss before too. When she was at point 1857. What was happening to her? She decided it must be that she is missing rajveer too much and the pregnancy is really getting to her. And than it hit her. She is pregnant. She has a life growing inside her. But why she couldn't feel it. Then again she doesn't know how being pregnant feels like. She might have to ask neelu about it. With this thought she started getting ready.

Elsewhere  aalekh was talking on the phone and he was joined by abhimanyu and sherry. Aalekh was looking a little bit tensed.

" It's a dead end. Whatever I try, it always is a dead end. "

" Aalekh I am sure you are trying your best. And you have just been there once. I am trying for last 3 months. I thought I knew Raj more than anyone else but you are his student. A student knows his teacher more than a friend knows his friend. For now we keep trying and still if we don't anything then we accept that he truly has left us. "

" No, he hasn't. I can't. I will find him. "

" We will. And if we don't then perhaps it was how it was meant to be. " Abhimanyu tried to convince the younger man though his own voice was breaking at the end.

" What is a dead end? What aalekh is trying to do exactly? "

" Finding rajveer. He had gone to the same place where the scene happened. "

" Abhimanyu that's harsh. You didn't find him neither did I. And he was my brother and your friend. We knew him as well as aalekh. And I agree he didn't teach us but in that way naina and others should try it as well. I am sure aalekh is trying his best but in that way there won't be a chance of missing something. "

" We can't afford to send everyone there. It will raise doubt. Also naina is too fraigile right now. " Aalekh said.

" Also sherry, aalekh is not alone. He is the Royal gaurd of barmer. He is the head of my security team and he has acess to them at all times. Also aalekh has the best chance among his friends because he was thought scavangers hunt from rajveer himself. And only he was thought the tidbits about it as he was the only one following him like a shadow. If he can't do it no one can. " He said looking at abhimanyu proudly.

Aalekh was touched listening to his words.
" He is yours. I get it now. "

" Excuse me? " Abhimanyu asked.

" I mean he is your protege like I am Naveen's and naina is rajveer's. You know Naveen told me once that the most an army officer aspires to be is to find his own, not friend or lifepartener but his own who could take his legacy ahead. Who could mirror all his teaching
, his principles. Whom they could mentor. And I am happy that you all got to find their proteges so young. "
Abhimanyu and aalekh both smiled at that acknowledging her words. And aalekh wondered if he will live long enough to have his own whom he could mentor.

" Anyway there is something more important to do before we leave for academy in the evening. " Abhimanyu said.

" We need a plan but before that we need to get naina an ultrasound as discreetly as possible. "

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