chapter 15

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As soon as they reached kma, abhimanyu went ahead to inform brigadier chandok. His support was off immense importance  to him.

Meanwhile all cadets settled themselves in their respective rooms with sherry joining them. They all were just going to sleep when abhimanyu called them in his quaters.
Entering their mentors quarter had an overwhelming effect on the cadets specially naina. Her mind was replaying every moment every touch every kiss every fight every conversation that these walls had witnessed. While abhimanyu understood their condition he had something more urgent to tell them.

" Naina, the file major bhargav gave you in the detention center proves the same things that sherry told us. We finally have enough to prove naveen innocent. With those proves we have reached 90% in his case. But there is something else. I just got the news that sameera refdy has been kidnapped. And I know it is lala's doing. Infact in these three months I have I have gotten more and more sure of his involvement. I even confronted him. But that made me realise that knowing is not enough we have to prove. If anyhow we can prove that he is behind the kidnapping and get him behind the bars then may be with this file and the evidences I and sherry have gathered we could corner him and have a confession out of him to save rajveer. "

" It seems he had kidnapped just to help us. Not so smart dad. "

"He is wounded by the fact that you his own daughter is betraying him plus naina got out alive from that detention center. And wounded people make mistakes.  But still it won't be easy. "

" You just tell us what do we need to do. "

" Go on a mission to rescue her. But remember that it will not be easy. I will provide with all equipments but we could get killed there. "

" You could get expelled as well cadets. " Shalini reminded them.

" No they won't. I have taken permission from brigadier chandook. As long as they haven't reported to him he is going to pretend that we are not here. Your command falls under my name and till I don't hand over you to him you all can follow me to any mission I take. Now who will follow me? "

" I will. " Everyone said together.

In the end the super six cadets and abhimanyu started on the mission. Sherry had to stay behind so that she could monitor everything and help them. She was going to stay in kma as shalini's guest and keep an eye on nayar as he is officially assigned with the task of rescuing sameera.

" A perfect job for a spy. " Sherry had said taking up the task.

In the end all of them with right help from gunny at the right time managed to free sameera. But they couldn't link it to lala. As he came there the last moment with media and painted everyone the hero while also managing to blackmail sameeras father into hiding the truth. When they thought that they have failed again in defeating lala Sherry came as hope. She pretended to have reached there after knowing that abhimanyu is in danger. And while media was there, he was forced to admit that abhimanyu and Sherry are engaged and Sherry as a dutiful daughter asked his father if she could be with abhimanyu in kma . And having no choice lala had to say yes.

" At least something good happened. Now I don't have to find a reason neither he could take me back from kma. " Sherry said while they were travelling back to kma. Sameera had joined them and gunny had been tasked with her security so he went with them too.

" Sherry mam, I still don't understand. Why do you need to be in the kma. I mean I get that you want to get away from him but how it is crucial for our mission. "

" Don't you get it yudi. I am his vibhishan. I know how to kill him. That's why he didn't wanted to let me get out of his sight. Since the time he had suspected me he had painted a bad picture of me in front of rajveer so that he could keep us away. I am a liability. I know too much. And I am his daughter. If any of you put allegations on him no one will believe but when I will do it everyone will be forced to reconsider. And being abhimanyu's fiance strengthen my claim.  And he knows I intend to do the same. "

" Will you do it Sherry? Put allegations on him? " Asked pooja.

" Yes, Sherry mam. He is your father. I can understand your predicament. " Ali said with sympathy.

" If the father cease to be one, there is no sorrow in disowning him. " Aalekh stated citing his own example.

" When can I file a case against him? " Sherry asked abhimanyu.

" You can't Sherry. Now is not the time. " Naina said, " We need to be very careful now as the fight is in the open now. Rajveer and naveen got betrayed by him because they trusted him. They thought they knew him, we cannot do the same mistake. All I know is that we don't know him. "

" So, what are we gonna do? " Huda asked.

" Put him in a false sense of security and wait for him to make a mistake. " Naina said .

" How on earth we are going to do that? " Yudi asked.

" We will collect all the evidence and present it in the next hearing that has been set for naveens case. Naina will lead the reins there as his sister. I as an army officer will remain neutral and Sherry you will pretend to be a dutyful fiance by staying by my side. When naveen is proven innocent and he will be you will request the court to reopen raj case as he could have been framed in similar circumstances. The court will be forced to accept our request. Being his sister you will have the right to fight for him. And then we will provide the evidence framing lala gehlot. Even if they are not enough the word will spread and raj will know what to do. If I know him correctly, he is near his enemies even if he doesn't know who he is. "

" I remember when naveen used to say keep your friends close and enemies closer. " Naina said.

" Let's prepare guys. It's one week for the hearing . After that you all will need to study. As in next 15 days you all have your exams. In meanwhile i and Sherry will prepare raj case. And if everything remains alright raj will show up and surrender himself and we have enough to frame lala. "

And with that they began preparing. Naina had all the evidence of how naveen was framed that major bhargav had gathered during the trail, Sherry had a capy of every red box content and abhimanyu had gathered every circumstantial evidence needed. Next hearing came and naina fought for her brother and won. Naveen was proven innocent. Even Sherry 's appeal was accepted to reopen rajveers case. Abhimanyu despite deciding that he will remain neutral couldn't help but speak for his friend and with brigadier chandook speaking in their favor they managed to prove naveen innocent and start rajveer trail as well as start investigations on all involved high ranking officers as well as ministers including lala gehlot.

They prepared vigorously for their exams and pased with flying colors. Naina being best cadet passout and aalekh coming a close second. Naveens photo was put on wall of fame and naina hoped that before getting her posting orders she could see raj in KMA one last time before leaving the place.

But alas life had yet more challenges for her.

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