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baby's first christmas {connor}

"I'll get the phone, you just get them into their pajamas" You yelled out. You giggled and imagined Connor with two eight-and-a-half-month-olds. You walked into the kitchen and smiled at the caller ID "Hi April" You answered "Getting ready for Christmas?" She asked happily "Yes just putting the tree up now," You said "Connor, Faith, and Hope want to help" You held the phone against your ear and walked back into the living room "How are the twins?" She asked. You froze at the scene in front of you "Brynn, you still there?" April asked "Yeah, I'll call you back in a. second," You said before hanging up the call "Connor" You called out. Within seconds he came running into the room "What do you call this?" You asked, pointing at the two naked babies sitting in front of a half-decorated Christmas tree. Connor chuckled and shrugged "I got them undressed and put on little Santa hats. Then I tumed around to get their pajamas, but when I looked back, they were gone" He explained. You rolled your eyes "How many times do I have to tell you; now they are crawling, they like to crawl away" You said. He wrapped his arm around your waist from behind "But they look so happy" darling" He whispered, watching his babies look at the tree together. You sighed and smiled, knowing he was right. He kissed your temple and hugged you tighter.

he posts a picture
connorrhodes & brynnwilson

connorrhodes|MERRY CHRISTMAS! We had an amazing Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 🎄❤️ how was your day?! @brynnwilson

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MERRY CHRISTMAS! We had an amazing Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 🎄❤️ how was your day?! @brynnwilson

christmas eve
"Con, shh, you don't want to wake them, do you? It was hard enough getting them to sleep tonight" You whispered, trying to be forceful. But Connor looked at you with his hands full of presents and a pout on his face, you giggled "Come on, the faster we do this, the faster we can go to bed" You explained. He walked out of the wardrobe, placing a kiss on your cheek on his way, and walked downstairs towards the living room. You picked up some more presents and followed him. Once downstairs, Connor took the wrapped presents from you and arranged them under the tree. You smiled at how excited he was at Christmas, and he got to spoil the twins, without anyone telling him to stop. Having twins and also being their first Christmas, there were twice as many presents. You stepped back and admired the tree "Perfect, all done" He smiled "We make a good team, baby" You giggled and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his shoulder, and looked at all the presents "I can't wait to see their faces in the moming" He chuckled, pulling you closer to him "I think they will like the paper and ripping it open more than all the presents" You joked, making him shrug
"I'm going to check on the twins, to make sure they are still sleeping, meet you in our bedroom?" You asked Connor. He nodded and kissed your temple. You walked upstairs and towards the nursery. You slowly opened the door and smiled when you saw your two sleeping babies "Goodnight my darlings" You whispered.

christmas day
"Merry Christmas mama" A three-year-old Minnie smiled at Grace before returning to her new toys. Grace smiled happily at her daughter. You looked down at Faith and Hope who were sitting in the middle of the room plaving with building blocks "Ho ho, ho" You heard just outside the living room making all five of you look towards the doorway. Adam walked in dressed as Santa, making the three youngest freeze. Faith's mouth opened, taking in the man dressed in red with a big white beard. Hope, on the other hand, was a little unsure. Minnie smiled widely, knowing who it was "Merry Christmas" Adam continued, as Connor walked in behind him and sat on the arm of the chair beside you "This one is for Minnie" Adam said, handing a big wrapped present to his niece. Minnie excitedly took it, opening it within seconds. Grace shook her head at the little girl. Adam knelt in front of the twins and held out three presents "For one good little girl" He gave Hope the present "And another good little girl" Faith squealed and opened it as fast as Minnie. Hope keeps her eyes on Adam. Minnie came up to her younger cousin "Want some help, Hope?" She asked, making Mabel look away from the man and smile at Minnie. Minnie ripped the paper and showed Hope what was inside, making him happily open the rest. You looked at Connor and saw his big smile "I was hoping you were going to be Santa" You whispered "I was going to, but Adam beat me to it" He laughed.

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