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mother's day

You wake up, to see Ethan staring back at you. You smile "Good morning" "Morning babe" He hums, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer before kissing your lips "Happy Mother's Day, my love," He says "Thank you for having our child" You smile, and thank him, and not long after Noah starts to cry. You're about to get up, but Ethan stops you "It's your day, let me get him. I'll bring him in here and you can relax while I make some breakfast" He says "Okay," You smile, getting cozy under the covers. About a minute later, his cries have stopped, and now Ethan is making his way into the room. You feed Noah and wait for Ethan, who brings you some breakfast, topped off with your Mother's Day gift
"Babe, you didn't have to get me anything" You say "I wanted to, because I'm so grateful to have a kid with you, and because you deserve it" Opening the gift, you gasp, it was a necklace that had all three of your names engraved.

You step out of the shower, before getting dressed and do your makeup and hair. Jay had Roman downstairs. You and the boys were all having a get together for Mother's Day. It was at his parents's this year. After you got completely ready. you went downstairs to see Jay holding Roman on his knee "There's your beautiful mummy, there she is!" He said, kissing the side of Roman's face and making him squeal. You blush, and smile, before getting your shoes on and then getting Roman's and putting them on him while Jay held him. After getting the baby bag you make your way to his parents house. Everyone greets you guys as you walk through the door. After mingling with everyone for a while in the living room, all the guys went into the backyard, all coming back in with a gift for all of you. Everyone rips open there's, and yours was adorable. It was a picture frame of you three, with Jay's footprints engraved on the sides. Perfect gift for the perfect mum.

Will woke up first and went to go get Bambi from her crib "C'mon, darling. Let's go wake up mummy!" He says, kissing her all over her face. She smiled, before sitting comfortably in his arms. He brought her into your room, setting her down on the bed before she crawled over to you. She started to touch your face gently, wanting your attention. It immediately woke you up, and you smiled when you saw her "Hi baby girl" You said. Will sits back and watches, loving his little family "Happy Mother's Day, baby," He says, leaning over Bambi and kissing you on the lips. He gets into bed, cuddling up to both of you "Let's just spend today like this, the best day ever"

"My baby girls," You say, reaching down to get Hope, She smiles slightly at the sight of her mother "Well helle there" Connor says, As you look at him you realize he's smiling widely raising his eyebrows, while leaning on the doortrame "You're lame," You say simply, walking over to him and kissing him with your baby between you "Happy Mother's Day" He sings. After he got Faith, you both went downstairs. He made breakfast while you ted both of the girls "So I was thinking, we could go see both our moms today?
Mine for lunch, she invited us yesterday, and then we can head over to your mum's after?" He asks "Sounds great" You smile. After you're all done eating, you spend a lovely day ouf with your family,

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now