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labor/delivery {will}

The anticipation levels got higher as the due date came closer. On the day of, you and Will just wanted to try some ways to induce labor "Okay, well you can eat something spicy?" He suggested. After you ate some spicy rice, you waited and nothing happened for about two hours "Here, I read if you go up and down stairs, the bumping helps" He said. You nodded and began to walk up and down, by your third time going down, you were too out of breath "Nothing's working" You pouted. Will picked you up, and started to kiss you "We can try this?" He says, taking you to your bed. You nodded. When he got to your room, he was about to put you on your bed, but you heard a pop and water started to drop onto the floor "Uh" You stutter "Yay Bambi!" He laughed and set you down "Will!" You giggled. It was cut short though, by a contraction. You were laughing at the irony of the situation, but now you've got the pain "Ow, ow, ow" You say as a contraction wraps around your back "Babe?" Will says. He takes your hands and puts them on his shoulders so you can be supported, while he rubs the sides of your bump "I'll call the birth center, okay? And then we will get you in the car" He says, sitting you down on a stool "Hurry, please" You say. He nods and kisses your cheek. He takes out his cell phone and runs upstairs to grab the bag for you, him, and the baby, stopping by the nursery for one second to realize that the next time they retum home, they will have someone to put in this crib. He smiles, and talks to the birth center, telling them that you guys should be there in about fifteen minutes. He went back downstairs, bag over his shoulder, put his shoes on, and then helped you "They told me they have your room ready" He said. You nodded and made your way to the car. Another contraction came on halfway through the car ride, so they were about ten minutes apart. Will helped you the whole way until you got to the birth center. Once you got to the birth center, Will called his parents, and your parents, and the boys, and all of your siblings. Right now, only your guys' parents were commg. Everyone else will come later when you have the baby. You were only two centimeters, so you had a while still, Will came on the bed with you and lay down next to you. You put your head on his chest and smelled the cologne he was wearing. You smiled up at him "You smell good" You said. He chuckled, and put his hand on the back of your head, ringing his fingers through your hair "It's so relaxing here" You said He nodded "Our baby is coming" He said. You smiled, but a contraction came on. You grabbed his shirt, and he felt your body tense up "It's okay baby. I'm here" He says. When it was over you sighed, filled with relief "Take a nap, princess, you won't have much sleep after today" He says. You wake up, to find the doctor in the room "Hey Liana, we just noed to examine you to see how far along you are okay?" She says. You nod tiredly. You don't see Will in the room, and begin to panic "Where's Will?" You ask "He went to the bathroom, and should be back any minute," She says. She stands up, helping you back to your previous "You're almost done, about seven centimeters dilated. Three more to go!" She smiles, puts it in your patient chart, and leaves the room as Will walks in "Hey baby" He says, coming over to you "Seven centimeters" You say. He smirks brightly
"Would you like to walk? We can go out in the halls" He suggested. You nodded "Can you give me my robe?" You say. He gets it out of your bag as you stand up. walking over to him with your IV stand. He helps you put it on and then takes you out into the hallway. You walk out into the hallway, holding onto Will's hands the entire time You get down the hallways your room was on, and so you turn around and start walking back down. You felt a contraction and panicked "Will. I need to push" Will grabbed the nearest wheelchair available "She needs to push," He said and followed you into your room, where Will put you on the bed. People were coming in and out of the room, while your doctor got prepared to deliver the baby "Will?" You said. You couldn't seem to find him in all the chaos "I'm right here princess" He grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles "Liana, on the count of three pushes, okay?" The doctor said. You nodded. When she reached the, you bore down, face turning red. You squeezed Will's hand as hard as you could, but he didn't care "Good job darling" He said in your ear, pecking your temple. You slump back on the bed, trying to regain some breath. Another contraction comes on, so you push again "Head is out!" The doctor says "Three more big pushes" She says "Shit, Will" You say "You aren't getting near me again" He chuckles. You said it loud enough for only him to hear it, so he's not embarrassed "I'm so sorry, baby" He says "It's okay. I didn't mean it" You say, pushing again as the other shoulder slides out. Catching your breath, you push one more time. An ear-piercing scream that can be heard down the hallway fills the room, and all of the nurses and doctors smile "It's a girl! Congratulations mum and dad" She says, placing the baby on your chest "Hi Bambi" You say, as Will proudly cuts the cord, separating you two.

Bambi Margot Jane Halstead was born on December 19, 2024.

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