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Ethan & Imani finally married

ethanEthan & Imani finally married

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Imani is now Mrs

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Imani is now Mrs. Choi. The couple wed yesterday in their hometown of Chicago. With heaps of fans surrounding the church, he didn't let it bother him. He reportedly asked the fans "If I take a photo with you, can you leave? I want today to be about Imani" It warms our hearts to see how much he loves Imani and would do anything to keep safe and happy. The fans all listened and by the time Imani arrived, they were all gone and Ethan was waiting for her at the end of the aisle. The love they have for one another can be seen by anyone. A source close to the couple told a reporter earlier today "The day was perfect, really beautiful" We are lucky enough to have a photo from the day. Fingers crossed that there will be more soon.

detective Jay Halstead officially taken

jaydetective Jay Halstead officially taken

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Detective Jay Halstead and his lovely girlfriend, Amaya Callahan got married yesterday

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Detective Jay Halstead and his lovely girlfriend, Amaya Callahan got married yesterday. Family and friends gathered in celebration of the happy couple, but nothing was as big as Amaya's smile. But then again, anyone would be happy to call Mr. Halstead theirs for the rest of their life. A worker at the reception venue reportedly said "They are a beautiful couple. The night was intimate and amazing, with a few surprises from Will" When asked what he did, she just smiled and walked away, not giving any details. Wonder what he surprised Amaya with? We want to know.

Mr & Mrs. Halstead caught at the airport

 Halstead caught at the airport

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Will and Liana have been quiet since he proposed about their wedding plans but turns out they finally got married over the weekend

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Will and Liana have been quiet since he proposed about their wedding plans but turns out they finally got married over the weekend. The actor married his girlfriend of nearly 10 years in a church followed by a lovely reception filled with close friends and family. We may not have any photos of their big day but we are hopeful we will see some soon we did catch the new couple at Chicago O'Hare Airport early this morning for their flight to their honeymoon destination. Liana held Will's hand tight as they walked through security. They didn't say much when asked about their wedding but by the smile on Liana's face, there was no denying how happy she was.

Connor Rhodes had a big part in wedding planning

connor Connor Rhodes had a big part in wedding planning

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Connor Rhodes has become a married man

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Connor Rhodes has become a married man. Brynn or should we say Mrs. Rhodes said "I do" to her boyfriend over the weckend. Remember when they started dating and everyone had mixed feelings about them, they overcame them and the fans have grown to love Brynn as much as they love Connor. The couple are yet to release any official photos, but we do have this one. Connor looked amazing in his suit, but Brynn stole the spotlight. She looked absolutely beautiful. And I guess we weren't the only ones who thought so, even Connor couldn't keep his eyes off her. A friend of Brynn told us that Connor was a really big part of planning the whole day, which makes him that little more perfect "They even wrote their own vows, which was adorable but teary"

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