Chapter 9:Not to be messed with

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He waited out outside. He was still standing there, adjusting the hood on his cloak, not really fatigued despite the late hour. He was surprised that he had joined on such a "emergency?" Even so, it was him who suggested joining in the first place

He saw you leaving via the door of the bar. "So? how is it?"

"No bugs inside fit such description" you said, shaking your head.

That is then a cue to proceed to another one. Holding a town map, you two strolled along while he thought about something. You didn't have time to wonder why such a town is so big. You have business to attend to "Could those bandana bugs really be in a bar?" he asked you

You raise your head from the map, and say, "Yes." Though generations may have changed and times may have changed, habit has not. They have to be, they should be in one.

Finding one of them and asking about their whereabouts was the plan. You thought that since bad bloods typically congregate at bars, you would go there to find one and hope that some or all of them were there. And you two have checked this bar twice now.

"I wondered...Y/N" As you two stray, he asked, "I know the flames are important for the troupe... and the ritual, but I don't know that it was THIS important"

"It's not about the torches or the flames, master. Even if one was snuffed out, we would always obtain one; the issue is if we allow this to happen. While we are still here, a gang like them could post possible annoyances. Before it could grew, we have to look after its roots" you said "it is to prevent any future possible troubles"

"Are we getting our hands... you know?"

He went a moment without an answer from you. Before carrying on walking, you paused, examined the map and the surroundings "Not yet. We are strangers on this land master grimm, even if we are aware of how effective it is to solve our difficulties. And it's not like when we have to deal with robbers or certain beasts, which are OK to kill. We cannot, however, draw undue attention to the troupe because we live in a town of a land. We just leave them a clear message and wish the best. And should they not have listened.. Master knew then what would happen."

Then you two pulled over at another pub, hoping to find one. You prepared your staff and tucked the map into your cloak. Then, inside with him waiting outside as usual

He saw as your back vanished into the door. Your professionalism really struck him. He was aware of your professionalism, but not that it could go this far. That is the pinnacle of it. Your flat tone, your words, your method of handling things, your stiff and forceful walk all contributed. He was lucky to have you as his assistant.

He turned his eyes. Bugs were out and about enjoying their night, some by themselves, some with friends, some in pairs, and even with their children, even at this late hour. Even if you believed that everything is just the same old routine life with no unique or interesting flavor... He cannot disagree with anything else but himself, though. Admiring life is.... good. To value live, to find delight in the little things in life. It made sense as he watched them go past, some of them glancing at him and forcing him to nod awkwardly. Well that was something.

Suddenly he heard a lot of noise inside "Y/N." He remembered you and followed his gut. Dash in he did.

"Halt!" You pointed your staff toward the few bugs who were going to interfere, most likely the security personnel "I have business with them" Good thing they listened, "I'll depart when I have my answer" you said sternly.

He noticed you lingering and, without even breaking the gaze, pin one of those red bandanas to the ground while using your left arm to hold it around their neck. And there's some of them are writhing on the ground, wailing with agony. And the customers, either frightened or ignoring it because they assumed it was just another night. Watching it all, he was... speechless.

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