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“Your favorite king has arrived.” Lucian says, making a dramatic grand entrance as he walks into my office.

“Welcome, Lucian.”

“Thank you.” He says then drops himself on a chair across mine, “so, how are you feeling being the Sultan of Umeedaria?”

“I haven’t publicly taken the throne yet.”

“Of course. Why is that?” he asks, “I was eager to take the throne when I found out it was my turn.”

I release a sigh, “that’s where you and I are different.”

Lucian is the King of Hallow. He got the throne few months before my father’s death. Unlike me, Lucian looked forward to taking charge and practiced all his life. He looked forward to the day he’d become the king and rule over his kingdom.

However, his visions weren’t accepted by some, including members of his family. Which forced him to push everyone out of his way and only keep his trustworthy opponents close.

Luckily, I am one of them.

“I am curious to know when you will be taking the throne publicly.” He asks, “You can’t keep your identity a secret forever.”

I am very well aware of that fact. But the outcome of my announcement might just ruin everything.

Farah will get to know about my identity and she’ll find out that I lied. Even the thought of her reaction after finding out the truth creates an ache in my chest.

I’m about to answer Lucian when a knock comes at my office door.

“Come in,”

The door opens and in enters my sister dressed in a pastel pink abaya and a white hijab wrapped around her head.

“There is my favorite baby princess,” Lucian greets her like he has since she was a kid.

Aiza gives a small smile, “Hello, Lucian,”

“Hello, Aiza.”

She turns her attention towards me, “are you planning on going to the town, bhai?”

“No.” I say, “why?”

She frowns, “Are you not going to talk to Farah before the public announcement?”


“wait, what?” Lucian sits up and looks back and forth between me and Aiza, “Farah? who is she? What did I miss? What are you hiding?”

I sigh, “I am not hiding anything,”

“Then what is Aiza talking about?”

“None of your concerns.”

“It is very much my concern. I have always known what goes around with your life whether you tell me or I investigate myself. However, I would like to admit that investigating it myself is tiring, although I love the thrill of it- anyways, back to the topic.” His lips curve into a smirk, “is my boy in love?”

I raise my eyebrow, “boy? I’m older than you.”

“So? Sarim was the youngest, that never stopped him from-“ he stops himself after realizing he mentioned our friend’s name in front of my sister.

Our eyes shift to Aiza to find her body tensed, her eyes hooded with a hint of sadness, her pupils dazed as if she’s lost somewhere else.

In the past.

Returning from her thoughts, she relaxes her body. She looks back and forth between me and Lucian before pasting a smile on her face and say, “Haris bhai is interested in someone.”

Lucian and I don’t hesitate and go on with the change of subject.

“Who is she?” he asks, the grin returning to his face.

“Do you remember our teacher, Arsalaan?” Aiza asks.

“the man who taught me how to use a sword, of course.”

“She is his daughter.”

Lucian’s eyes widen a little as he looks at me, “really? When did this happen?”

“Two months ago,” there’s no point in hiding anything from him now. He was going to find out either way.

“My, my, your life is turning out to be interesting,”

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, please, don’t sound so offended. You’ve always been so boring.”

Aiza presses her lips together to suppress a laugh.

“Anyways, when is the wedding?”

“I haven’t even confessed yet.”

“What are you waiting for then?”

“Well, it’s a little complicated,” Aiza starts, getting Lucian’s attention, “Haris bhai has been under a disguise named Hassan in town. Farah likes Hassan but she doesn’t like the Sultan and his son so…”

“Oh,” Lucian turns to me, “but Arsalaan likes you.”

“I don’t want her to marry me just because Arsalaan likes me. She is the one who will be spending her life with me.”

“I see.” He nods, “well, then, let us go and convince her. I am very good in convincing people.”

“No, thank you.”


“I think you should go to her house with the proposal,” Aiza states, “talk to Arsalaan and let him know that it’s Farah’s decision whether or not to marry you.”

“What if she says no?” the thought itself hurts me.

“What if she says yes?” Aiza smiles, “Allah is the best of planners. Ask Him for guidance.”

𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐚𝐧 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟎𝟏Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang