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When Abbu and Zohaib bhai were in the military, they both were aware of the affairs of this town and how it affected many people.

There was fraud, bribery and unfair votes for who should get a job.

There started being unspoken rules such as women being married at the age of twenty. Women being pointed out for how they dress. Only those men being successful who know who to bribe. Women being judged for owning a business.

One by one, our Islamic Kingdom was forgetting about what our religion actually tells and started making its own rules.

And the Sultan did nothing.

Abbu tried telling his perspective and what could be done for the betterment of this town. Sultan turned a blind eye and Abbu stopped pushing.

Then when Zohaib was ranked high enough that his opinion would have mattered, he talked to the Sultan.
Abbu and Zohaib tried sharing their opinions but the Sultan took it as if they were disrespecting him.

That was a slap in their face.

Abbu retired but Zohaib continued to stay in the military despite the rumor of him being disrespectful to the Sultan.
And after he was martyred, most people didn’t care. The Sultan didn’t care.

Since then, I have always had a hatred for Sultan and his son.

His son because Zohaib passed his opinions to him as well but he never acknowledged them.

The only reason I respect the Sultan is because he’s a royalty. If he does something favorable for the town or for the whole kingdom, I’ll regain my actual respect for him.


I look up at Abbu’s voice to find him towering me, wearing his light-blue kurta with white shalwaar from earlier.
Ammi always liked the color blue so whenever given the chance; Abbu wore blue. Even after her death.

“What are you doing out here alone, beta?”

After the events placed today- Jamaal’s proposal, being called out for wearing tight clothes after Lubna witnessed the same behavior then vomiting all my thoughts to a stranger about the Sultan- my chest felt too heavy.

As soon as I came home, I made my wudu and went in Sujood.

Praying, talking to my Creator always helped me take off any stress from me. He is the Only One Who knows about my thoughts, the Only One I talk to when I feel lost.

When I take time to answer Abbu’s question, a crease appears between his brows before he takes his seat beside me.

I came out to sit underneath the sky. I’ve been staring at the stars since then. Star gazing has always been one of my favorite things. Zohaib called me weird for it but Ammi understood.

When I was young, we would sit outside underneath the sky full of stars, cuddled in a blanket and talk about anything and everything.

My chest tightens at the memory.

Abbu sits closer to me and gives one of his warm smiles before he asks again, “what’s wrong?”

I stare into the distance as I lift my shoulder, “I don’t know…”

I do know actually but I can’t say that to Abbu.

“Did something happen in town?” he asks, softly.

I nod once and he hums.

We both sit in silence. I continue to stare in the distance while Abbu hums something.

“Jamaal wants to marry me.”

Abbu’s humming comes to a halt before it turns into a hum as understanding.
I continue talking, “he didn’t ask me to marry him. He just made a statement that we’re getting married next month.”

From the corner of my eye, I can see Abbu frowning at this.

“I told him no. I said I have the right to say no to anyone if I don’t want to marry him. Then he said…” I trail off as his words repeat in my mind.

“What did he say?” Abbu puts a protective arm around me, pulling me into a comforting embrace.

My throat tightens with emotion and I whisper, “he said no one will marry me. He will make sure of it.”

My statement hangs in the air as silence of the night consumes it.

“Do you believe him?”

I don’t want to but the fact that he’s the governor’s son and he has gotten away with many situations because of that title, a part of me is scared.

But the other part of me always calls out to Allah. For Him to help me and see what is right for me.

“I don’t know, Abbu.” I pull away from his embrace and look up at him, “I don’t mind that I’d be an unmarried woman but… am I foolish to want to settle one day?”

Abbu smiles, “no, beta. You’re not foolish at all.”

“I sound foolish.” I say, “everyone say that women are meant to be settled. But when they do, they say that women didn’t have anything better to do than get settled. Just because a woman dreams of marrying someone and being settled doesn’t mean that she can’t protect herself. A married woman can be independent. And there is nothing wrong with those who are dependent on their husbands.”

The frustration from the whole day starts to return as I continue, “There are so many unspoken rules made by the people that they don’t know what our religion actually teaches us. Zoya can have her own bakery and still marry anyone she wants no matter how old she is. If Lubna wants to focus on her passion and doesn’t want to marry anyone then she won’t and she shouldn’t be forced to. Just because I dream of marrying someone doesn’t mean that I cannot protect myself. We have our rights just like men. I just wish there were more people open-minded like you, Aamir Chacha, Taimoor bhai and Zohaib bhai.”

When I finally finish, I find Abbu smiling at me with pride in his eyes.


He shakes his head, “you sound like your Ammi.”

My face softens, all my rage and frustration disappearing, “really?”

He nods, “you have the same perspective as hers. The same thoughts and opinions.” His eyes glisten with emotion at his next words, “she would be so proud of you. She is proud of you.”

My lips curl into a smile while my throat tightens with emotion again. I wrap my arms around Abbu’s waist and dive into his embrace again.

He places a kiss on my head, “I am so proud of you.” He whispers, “And you are right. You have the right to marry anyone you wish. Jamaal cannot and will not stop you or the person you’re tied with to marry each other.”

I smile at his words and hug him tighter,

“I love you, Abbu.”

“I love you, beta.” 

𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐚𝐧 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟎𝟏Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ