~Chapter 28~

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As soon as you finish this statement, both Kazutora and Baji run at you full force landing a punch to your face and one to your gut, you could have easily dodged it, but to prove your point, you chose not to

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As soon as you finish this statement, both Kazutora and Baji run at you full force landing a punch to your face and one to your gut, you could have easily dodged it, but to prove your point, you chose not to.

"How the fuck are you still standing?" They shout in unison as you feel blood trickle down your face.

"Honelty, the two of you are so worn out you couldn't knock me out no matter how many free hits I let you land. And don't be mistaken, those were both exactly that, free hits." You state coldly and matter-of-factly.

"Y/N, you manage to amaze me every time I see you!" You hear Hanma say from the front of the room.

"I know, I know." You respond with a mocking smile. "A warning though Hanma, don't think of this as a fight against Mikey, this is a fight against all of Toman. Unfortunately for you, that means me." You explain with a glare. "I can't let you kill the loser, and I simply won't let you kill Mikey, sorry but I have a personal attachment to the moron." You explain with a smile.

"Hey Y/N, tell Mikey something for me will ya?" Hanma shouts before you turn to leave. "One week from right now on the night of October 31, abandoned car lot, finally Valhalla vs. Toman. Shit's going down." He giggled.

"Oh we'll be there. Just make sure you can actually put up a good fight by then." You smirk back.

"And with that, I'll be taking my leave, I have a vice captain to take care of." You say as you turn to leave. As you're walking out you hear footsteps rushind behind you on your left. There was only one person it could be and since he was so curious about it earlier, you thought you should remind him what it felt like to be knocked out with one hit. So you square your shoulder, turn to your left and land a solid hit right to Baji's jaw, knocking him out cold.

"Since he was so curious about it earlier, I thought I'd remind him what it felt like." Explain as the room gapes at you in disbelief. "So, without any more interruptions hopefully, I'll see you again I'm sure. Kazutora, do me a favor and try a little harder next time." You say with a glare. "Oh and Hanma, you'll be fighting me next time, not Mikey, so I hope you're prepared." You send a smile his way.

"Oh and someone tell Baji I'm very disappointed in him when he wakes up." You conclude with a smirk as you finally leave that nasty place.




You finally found where Takemichi had run off to with Chifuyu in tow.

"You know, when I said get out of there, I didn't mean 5 fucking miles away from the place." You sigh as you finally get to sit down after what felt like hours.

"Y/N are you ok? You're bleeding." Takemichi asks with a worried expression on his face.

"I'm fine." You answer with a laugh, causing you to cough up a little bit of blood from the punch Kazutora landed to your stomach earlier.

"Y-Y/N y-you just coughed up blood, should we take you to the hospital." Takemichi whines, making you more pissy than ever.

"I told you I'm fine. I was just punched in the stomach is all. It's the least of our worries right now. Just do me a favor and don't tell Mikey, he'll freak out." You chuckle.

"Don't tell me what?" You hear a familiar voice ask from behind you.

"Great, he's like the fucking devil, you speak his name and he's here." You reply as you turn around to smile at the blonde and his tall companion.

"Don't tell me what?" He repeated more sternly this time.

"Well, we can't tell you, sorry, it would make you freak out and prove my point and we can't have that can we?" You giggle, making you cough up more blood.

"Y/N, WHAT THE FUCK?" Mikey screams, almost bursting your eardrums and waking Chifuyu up.

"It's fine Mikey I was just punched in the stomach. Besides, I'm not our biggest concern right now." You say, turning your attention to Chifuyu. "Since sleeping beauty here decided to wake up, with your help Mikey, we need to examine him." You say as you lean closer to inspect his injuries. Just then Draken hands you a medical bag.

"Oh thanks! I'm so glad someone thought of... Wait, how did you get this? It was in my apartment. MIKEY!" You shout as the blonde runs away.

"Oh for fucks sake, you know what, problem for a different time. How are you feeling Chifuyu?" You ask as you pull out a small light to examine his eyes. His pupils dilated and contracted normally so it seemed like, by some miracle, that he didn't have a concussion.

"Like I just had my shit rocked." Chifuyu responded, which was fair considering the circumstances. "And like my nose is broken." He continued.

"Well, that would be because it is. But you're lucky, it seems like that's the worst you got. There are no signs of a concussion so I think we're in the clear." You respond.

"Well, that's because Baji..." Chifuyu started to say quietly. You sent him a glare to tell him to shut up. He was about to say Baji held back, but no one else needed to know you. "We'll talk about that later, ok?" You whisper to him, and he nodded his head in agreement.

"If it makes you feel any better, Baji is laid out on the ground right now as we speak." You say with a slight giggle making everyone look at you like you were insane.

"What, he decided to try and stop me from leaving, so I laid him out." You explained, but that didn't seem to clear anything up. "I wasn't staying in that overgrown gym locker any longer than I had to ok? Baji tried to throw a final punch, so I knocked him the fuck out. That's all there is to it." You say in an almost pout, finally making the group laugh.   

Just like heaven (Manjiro Sano [Mikey] X Fem! Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora