Planned disasters part 3

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The Captain was nervous, for the first time in a long while. Not because Kwazii was stuck out in a storm, he'd gotten past that anxiousness a long time ago. Neither was it because Shellington was lost in some cave again, the Captain had been numbed to that due to the dozens of times it had happened.

No, the Captain was nervous because he was once again about to ask for a planned disaster.

It had gone well once. Everyone had come home adrenaline filled and somewhat traumatized, but everyone admitted that it had shown them what to do in such a situation. It had been a team success, one that Captain Barnacles aimed to replicate today. 


With a deep breath, he reached over and tapped the Octoalert.


"You what?" Kwazii asked incredulously. "Didn't we all almost die last time that happened?"

"No," Shellington corrected. "We didn't almost die. I faked your near-death experiences."

Kwazii, oddly, looked somewhat disappointed.

"So all of that wasn't real? We didn't go on a gallivanting adventure where we neared a watery grave under a ton of boulders?"

"No," Peso said with a shake of his head. "We didn't."

Kwazii looked a little lost in his thoughts.

"That wasn't real? Has all of my life been like this? Staged dramas? Am I even real? How do I even know I exist?"

Captain Barnacles shook his head amusedly and continued.

"Anyways, I was wondering if any of you guys wanted to volunteer to stage this disaster?"

Silence. Well, it was good to know that the Octopod was free of impulsive, crazy, psychopathic maniacs who wanted nothing better than to unleash havoc on his fellow teammates. That, or Kwazii was polite enough not to volunteer himself brashly. Shellington, however, surprised the Captain by raising his hand timidly.

"Shellington? But you just had a turn."

"No, Captain," chuckled the Scottish sea otter ruefully. "I don't want another turn. I wanted to nominate someone else."

"Sure," shrugged Captain Barnacles. "You were nominated for your turn anyways. Who did you have in mind?"

Shellington gave his girlfriend a grin.

"How about Dashi?"

The photographer looked around at the crew, who were all smiling encouragingly. She chewed her lip for a moment, pretending to be thoughtful about it, although really her mind was already made up.

"Sure," she said casually. "I'll do it."


The stage was set for an excellent disaster. Dashi sat, cross-legged, on her bed, planning out her disaster in a notebook. She had plenty of ideas, all she needed to do was focus in on one. So many different concepts...

The Octochute buzzed--the warning that someone approaching in it--and Dashi hurriedly covered up her ideas, snapping her notebook shut just before Shellington appeared out of the chute.

"Hey," she said as casually as possible.

"What's the plan, princess?" he asked in that Scottish lilt that made her heart melt every time she heard it. She almost gave in. Almost.

"Can't tell you," she smiled.

"Awww, but I showed you mine."

"And I'm very grateful for it. But I think I can manage."

"Just a little clue?"


Dashi pulled her boyfriend in and gave him a quick peck.

"Now go do your work. You won't be able to this afternoon, so you'd best get ahead when you can."

Shellington nodded and complied without any reluctance. He was so nice like that, the way he'd give you time and space when you needed it. In her heart, she gave a dreamy little sigh and then continued her work.


Tweak was just finishing up fixing the Gup B (again) when Dashi came down from the ladder. She skipped over to Tweak.

"Can I take a Gup out?"

"Hmm?" Tweak pulled out an airpod. "Oh right. Sorry. Forgot about the whole planned disaster thing. The Captain told us to not expect it to make it more realistic. Anyways, yeah you can. which Gup are you taking?"

"Gup D?"

"Sure thing," Tweak said, pressing a few buttons before the Gup D rose to the surface. Dashi hopped in, closed the windscreen and called: "Open the Octohatch Tweak!"

The green bunny flicked the lever and gave a thumbs up to Dashi, who took the Gup D outside with steady paws.


3:30 in the afternoon. The Octoalert sounded, sending its whoop through the halls of the Octopod. Peso was doing his puzzle (still missing the piece Slippy the sea cucumber stole). The Captain was playing the accordion. Kwazii was doing Kwazii things, jumping around like a heap of spaghetti and the like. Everyone rushed to HQ.

"What is it?" Peso asked anxiously.

"Dashi didn't come back," Tweak announced. Kwazii looked confused.

"That's why ya called us? She's doing that thingo remember? The planned disaster?"

"Exactly," said the Captain. He pressed a few buttons on the dashboard and on the screen came the storm tracker. "We think this is that planned emergency." Kwazii grinned.

"Oh you brilliant lunatic Dashi! You rigged the storm tracker to give us a storm!"

"Indeed she did," Captain Barnacles smiled. "This is going to be good. We picked a spot with not many animals around, but we'll do the sweep anyways. We have to lock down the Octopod."

"But Sir-" Shellington started.

"No time Shellington," the Captain said gently, but firmly. "We've got an emergency to tend to, remember?" Then he turned to address all the Octonauts--except Dashi of course--in a loud voice.

"Octonauts, let's do this!"

A/N) Sorry this came out late. I've been kinda busy recently

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