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A/N) XD ran out of incorrect quote ideas; it's harder than it looks! 

It was just after dinner and all of the Octonauts had had an exhausting day. Tweak had managed to fix the Gup B (again) before dinner and Shellington had just scraped together a report on some frogfish or something. Captain Barnacles stood up as the Vegimals began clearing dishes away.

"Well, we've had all had a productive day, I assume. Why don't we all take the night off. We'll meet in the games pod in a few minutes." There were a few confused glances, but only Dashi approached the Captain.

"Um, Captain, what are we doing in a few minutes?"

"I have an idea. Looking back at my Polar Scouts days, we used to have Friday mafia nights. I thought I could pass the tradition on to the Octonauts. Not every week, of course, but it would be a fun once-in-a-while activity."

Dashi grinned.

"My school group used to play mafia on camps. This is going to be so much fun!"


"So mateys. What's this mafia game. Last time I checked, the mafia were some gang."

"Aye, they are," affirmed Shellington. "But mafia is also a game. There are two teams in this game, the villagers and mafia. Every night, the mafia choose one person to kill. Every day, the mafia choose one person to vote out. The mafia wins if they kill enough people, the villagers win if they vote out all the mafia. There are also special villagers, but we'll explain as we go."

"Right Shellington," said the Captain. "Could you narrate first?"

"Narrate? I thought this was a game!" Kwazii interrupted.

"It is," explained Dashi. "But someone needs to pick the roles and tell everyone what happened."

"Right," said Shellington. "Everyone, close your eyes. I will now tap the two mafia." He paused, looking around the group of Octonauts, smiled, and picked Tweak and the Professor. "I am now picking the doctor. This is a special villager who can heal someone each night. This means they are saved from the mafia."

Shellington tapped Peso. He thought he would like that role.

"I am now picking the detective. The detective can learn whether someone is a villager or mafia each night."

"Isn't that a bit unfair, matey?" Kwazii protested. 

"No," answered Shellington, still walking around the group. "If the detective reveals themselves, they'll be targeted by the mafia the next round." 

Shellington hesitated. He bent over and kissed Dashi on the head. Something told him she'd be good at that role.

"Okay everyone," announced Shellington. "The night has begun. Mafia, wake up and look at each other. Choose someone to kill." Tweak and the Professor looked at each other and chose Kwazii unanimously. "Right, go to sleep. Doctor, wake up and heal someone." Peso chose the Captain. "Detective, wake up and investigate someone." Dashi pointed at Peso and Shellington gave her the 'villager' sign.

"Alright everyone! Wake up! Last night... Kwazii was killed."


Dashi's mind was whirring. She knew it wasn't Peso, but she'd decided to save that information. After all, Shellington was right, she'd be targeted if she did reveal herself. Suspicions began flying around, but Dashi voted to skip. After all, it was impossible to tell!

That night, she investigated Tweak. Shellington held up... the mafia sign! Dashi grinned. Now all she needed to do was pin it on her safely.


"Last night," announced Shellington. "Dashi was killed." Codish fainted. Dashi locked her lips but looked understandably aggravated. After all, she had just learnt who the mafia was! Inkling and Tweak were sticking up for each other like glue, placing blame quite squarely on Peso. The Vegimals were chittering confusedly.

"Just wanted to tell you, if you vote out incorrectly, the mafia can win this night."

The Vegimals decided to vote with the flow and the Captain was helpless under the circumstances. 

"Sorry Peso," he mumbled as the group voted...

And Tweak and Inkling hi-fived.

"Well," said Shellington, with a sad shake of his head. "The mafia win."


"I think I can rig up the computer system," said Dashi. "There. Now you can play Shel, since the computer will act as narrator."

"Thank you, Dashi," smiled Shellington. "We'll be adding in two new characters: the dentist and the star-crossed lovers."

"That's three," said Kwazii.

"Doesn't matter. The Star-crossed lovers will share all effects and the Dentist has the power to silence someone for a round."

The night began. Shellington found himself the dentist and mafia. And not the star-crossed lovers, as Dashi's 'glitch' had worked. He woke up at the correct times, killed Inkling with Peso, and silenced... Dashi. After all, she was dangerously smart.


Dashi growled.

"Uh, uh, uh," reminded the Captain. "No communication."

It was so unfair! She was the doctor and now Peso was claiming the role! Well, at least Shellington would be able to clear this-

Dashi saw the look in her boyfriend's eyes. He was in on this...


In the end, things turned out in Dashi's favour. Somehow, Dashi managed to sway the team against Peso and Shellington in the round that followed. Besides, even though Kwazii and Tweak expressed 'disgust' at being the star-crossed lovers, was that a blush Dashi saw on their faces? She playfully punched Shellington.

"You're too clever for your own good, you know Shel."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Well, the whole star-crossed lover thing seemed to work."

"Yes. Yes it did."

"Goodnight everyone," the Captain was saying. "It was a fun night, but we've got a big day tomorrow. Make sure you get a good night's rest."

The Captain was met with affirmatives from around the room.

"Goodnight Dashi."

"Goodnight Shel."

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