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Dashi yawned. It was early, very early. Last night, she had stayed up late with Shellington, talking and cuddling and bingeing various TV series and generally being a cute and normal couple. 

Not saving the Pacific from a mass chain reactions of exploding volcanoes. Not pitching an unresponsive set of OctoRay against a raging tornado in a battle of plot armour vs nature. Not trying to stop a tsunami of idiotic sea cucumbers from falling into a huge sea trench. Not defying gravity and leaping up huge cliffs. Heck, not even babysitting a hyperactive Kwazii. Just... Being normal people. Absolutely normal.

No Gups had been crashed, no crises had been averted, no clothes had been shed.

All they did was have a good time, nothing naughty, nothing terrible happened, and it had been a wonderful night with no drama, a truly rare occasion in the life of an Octonaut.

As she stretched her arms out in the middle of HQ, someone's arms snaked under her armpits and around her chest, sweeping her up, up and around in a circle. She giggled and Shellington set her back on her feet.

"Hello princess," he smiled. "Sleep well?"

"Wonderfully," she replied. "All ready for work today."

"That's great to hear," Shellington said and Dashi knew he was completely genuine, unlike every other guy.

"Yup. Sure is and for the first time in ages. I'll just run the storm tracker and then we can get some breakfast."

"Sounds good," Shellington said with a thumbs up as his girlfriend opened up the radar. "What's new on the storm tracker?" 

Dashi didn't reply, so Shellington walked over, a concerned look on his face. Dashi was staring straight at the screen, speechless. 

"D... Dashi?"

Dashi had zoomed out of the map to reveal the full extent of a storm that dwarfed the Octopod icon by comparison.

"Jumping jellyfish," breathed Shellington. "That's one hell of a storm."

"Yeah... Heading our way... Fifteen minutes..." Dashi seemed to shake a glaze off her eyes, refocusing herself and turning to Shellington. 

"Shellington! Sound the Octoalert!"

Shellington nodded, ran over and hit the button.


"What's going on?" Captain Barnacles asked as the Octonauts appeared in HQ, in various stages of eating breakfast, brushing teeth and getting out of bed.

"Storm," Dashi said quickly. "Huge."

"Right," Captain Barnacles said immediately. "How long do we have"?

"Fifteen," Shellington replied. "Ten, maybe."

"Sorry I'm late," Tweak said, yawning and hopping out of the Octochute. "Slept through the alert for a bit. What's all the commotion about?"

"Haha," Dashi said quickly. "But we don't have time for this sort of thing. There's a huge storm and it's coming in quick."

"Tweak, lock the tanks," Captain Barnacles ordered firmly. "Dashi stabilise the Octopod. Shellington, to the lab, Dashi follow him. Peso, sickbay, Kwazii help the Professor out in the library." Tunip and the Vegimals, head to the kitchen."

"Aye aye Captain!" all of the Octonauts yelled, running to their stations. Dashi hastily flicked a couple switches and buttons on the Octopod controls, locking the arms, legs and windows of the ship they called home. Then, she headed down to the lab to help Shellington guard his incredibly fragile workplace.

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