No fish biscuits!?!?

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Request from EgbertTheGreat. Thanks for all your support! And this is a long one (very) so it'll be split into two parts (which are still long themselves lol)

Shellington was worried. Just a couple days before, the Vegimals had fallen victim to the mystery illness they had contracted earlier again. Although Peso had plenty of medicinal algae left over from last time, the Vegimals had still been extremely tired. Clearly fighting back the disease for a second time had been taxing on them.

This was the second time in roughly three days that the Vegimals had fainted from over exhausting themselves and, frankly, Shellington was quite worried. 

"They're too tired," argued Shellington to the Captain. "There's no way they can keep going, our they'll just keep fainting until they're bedridden."

"But we can't manage without them," Captain Barnacles responded. "I mean, I guess we could try just eating less..."

"Won't work for the long term," Shellington said with a shake of his head. "Clearly their innate immune system increased inflammation and the production of dangerous cytokines to a dangerous level. And besides, Barrot's mast cells have been armed by antigens so we need to-"

"Ahem," the Captain interrupted. "In English?"

"Oh. Right. Sorry. Basically, the Vegimals need to rest to recover fully, and Barrot has allergies to the algae so he'll have to recover without medication."

"Hmm," mused the Captain. "Perhaps we could manage without them for a week or so. They can have a holiday."

"Thank you Captain, that's a great idea."

"We'll see," chuckled Captain Barnacles. "We'll see..."


The Vegimals were delighted when Shellington told them the decision. They chatted happily, running circles around the Captain and occasionally hugging his legs.

"The Vegimals say thank you for the time off. They are very excited because they know exactly where they're going to go."

"And where might that be?"

All the Vegimals began chirping excitedly.

"They're going to Vegitoa."

"Vegitoa?" Captain Barnacles wondered for a moment. "Ah yes. The little island where the seaweed farm used to be. The one with the chinstrap penguins."

Tunip chattered in the affirmative.

"They say they'll bring back lots of yummy seaweed and kelp for us to eat."

"Thank you Tunip," said Captain Barnacles. Then he looked at his Octocompass for the time. "It's late now, but you can have seven days off, starting tomorrow."

All the Vegimals wandered happily off to pack. 


The next morning, after all the Octonauts had been told of the news, the Vegimals bid goodbye.

"We'll miss you," Kwazii said sorrowfully, saluting the little fish vegetable hybrids as they left with their suitcases. 

"And your fish biscuits," Peso Added.

"And your kelp cakes," Tweak agreed. "How am I going to stay up till four without your coffee kelp cakes?"

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