Planned disasters part 1

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The Octonauts had once again fallen into that stagnant pool of "nothing's-going-on-let's-just-sit-here-until-we-die" boredom. Again. They'd already done the role-reversal thing, they'd already played mafia, they'd played dares, heck they'd already set up a band and made themselves a theme song, what else were they supposed to do with their lives? 

Captain Barnacles, Dashi and Shellington were lazing around HQ, periodically checking various trackers and radars.

"So," said the Captain. "We need to do something before we all melt of boredom. Can't have the Octonauts getting lazy."

"But there's nothing to do," sighed Dashi. "There's no disaster right now. There's no huge eruption, there's no huge tsunami. Isn't it sad that we rely on things going wrong to live? Isn't that depressing?"

"Yeah, it sort of is," admitted the Captain. "Except... Wait... Unless we made our own disasters..."

"I don't know Captain," Shellington said quietly. "That's, uh, not something that exactly screaming good idea to me."

"We'll... Look, I've got an idea. We're going to control these disasters, and we're going to use this as a training system for all of our team."

"Um... Okay," said Shellington. "Do you want me to sound the Octoalert?"

"Yes Shellington that would be wonderful."

Shellington ran over and hit the Octoalert.

"Octonauts! To HQ!"


"So," yawned Kwazii languidly. "What are we doing here? Is there an emergency?"

"Nope," said Shellington. "Well, actually there is. Apparently we're going to be making one?" he said unsurely as Tweak entered with her usual catchphrase.

"What's all the- Making a disaster? What?"

"Calm down!" laughed Captain Barnacles. "I just thought it might be good to let some people off the leash, and also train the rest of us for more... interesting disasters."

"I don't get it?" Peso asked.

"Basically," explained Dashi. "We'll be taking turns to make a disaster for the rest to solve. Just to... ya'know, help the rest of us get a little more trained for accidents and natural disasters ya'know?"

"Okay," said Kwazii. "Can I go first?"

"NO," said the entire crew. 

"I think... I think we have to work up to a disaster of your scale, do you know what I mean?" Shellington said a little awkwardly.

"Okay fine," huffed Kwazii. "Then who's going first?" 

"How about you Shellington?" Dashi suggested. "I feel like you'd have some fun."

"Me?" Shellington asked, shocked.

"Yeah," said Captain Barnacles. "You. Why not? Haven't you ever wanted to go crazy and just wreak a little havoc? Nothing dangerous, of course. Just... You know. Maybe we can pretend something's poison, maybe we can pretend that you're actually dangerous."

"You know what?" the marine biologist asked, then grinned. "I like that idea a lot.


Shellington's preparations had finally come to a finish. His lab desk was laden with various chemicals and microscopes and Bunsen burners, and it pretty much looked like he was going to set the entire ocean ablaze by the way he set up his 'chaos'.

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