Role reversal

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A/N) What would a story series be without a role reversal? Admittedly, it's a short one. Maybe a little too jampacked. Welp, here it is!

Captain Barnacles woke up to basically everyone complaining of boredom. Apparently, everyone had nothing to do, so the Captain decided to try something new that he'd come up with last night. He wasn't quite sure how the crew would take it, but it was worth a shot!

"Good morning, everyone," said the Captain. Responses from around the room were heavy and bored. "I thought we'd try something new today. I thought we'd..." Here he paused for dramatic effect.

"...Switch roles."

"You what?"                                                                                                                                                                               "Crazy!"                                                                                                                                                                                      "Interesting."                                                                                                                                                                             "Sure!"

Mixed emotions. Okay then. 

"Well, we can have a vote. I just thought, since you're all so tired, that you could use something new. Okay, votes for doing it." It was unanimous. Everyone put up their hand.

"Right, that's settled. Dashi could you..."

"Already on it," she nodded, feeding their names and occupations into a random generator. The rest of the crew watched her type them in (including, the Captain noted, the Vegimals).

"Right sir, want to do the honours?" Dashi offered the 'scramble' button on her tablet to Captain Barnacles. With a deep breath... he pressed it.

The room went silent.


Several of the Vegimals fainted. The list had looked like this before:

Captain - Barnacles

Lieutenant - Kwazii

Medic - Peso

Scientist - Shellington

IT/Photographer - Dashi

Cook - Vegimals

Engineer - Tweak

Librarian/Researcher - Inkling

And it now looked like:

Captain - Vegimals

Lieutenant - Barnacles

Medic - Inkling

Scientist - Dashi

IT/Photographer - Shellington

Cook - Tweak

Engineer - Peso

Librarian/Researcher - Kwazii

The room. Was stunned.

"So, what do I do?" complained Kwazii. "Do I have to just sit around and read all day?"

Octonauts OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora