Dashi's therapy club part 3

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Dashi flopped down on her bed, utterly exhausted. A few weeks in from volunteering to be the ship's therapist and she was through every last shred of energy she had. Knackered. Done. Flattened. Finished.

She didn't care that there was seawater and sand in places where she definitely didn't want them, that her clothes were dirty, that she still had work to do. All she wanted was sleep. Beautiful, glorious, sleep.

Though she was tired, exhausted, her body would not let her sleep. Maybe it was the salt water stinging in her unmentionables, probably was that all things considered, and it was damn stupid.

Tears started to rise, even though it was as small an issue as a sleepless mind. Due to lack of sleep, her emotions had been heightened until the smallest thing could set her off. Heck, she almost broke a cup because the hot chocolate machine wouldn't work this morning. Dashi growled and buried her head deeper into her pillow.

Someone hopped out of the Octochute and into her room, she ignored them. Now was not the time.

Not the time.

Thankfully, the person left her in peace, instead sitting down on the edge of her bed and remaining silent. Dashi took a big trembling breath, trying to stop the rivulets of tears. Once she had herself (barely) held together, she sat up to see Shellington staring out the window at a porpoise. Probably not the same one as last time, but would serve just as well as a Porpoise of Thought Composition.

Dashi, knowing she wouldn't be able to hold it in if she spoke, kept quiet until Shellington finally realised she was awake. He turned, gave a little start, then opened his mouth.

"Hello Dashi. How..." Gulp. "How are you doing?"

"Tired," Dashi responded bluntly, trying not to crack. "Way too tired."

"Not surprised, honestly," Shellington sighed, turning so that he was facing Dashi. "You've been running around solving everyone else's problems. Makes sense you'd have some yourself."

"Yeah," Dashi shrugged. "I guess. I just..." Her facade quivered, then shook, then fell. Within moments she had become a mess of tears and emotion. "Sorry Shel I just... I just need some time alone."

"Oh. Okay then." Somewhat surprised, Shellington left the room, leaving Dashi with nothing but her tears.


Dashi wasn't there at lunch, so Shellington took the opportunity to tell the others about her condition.

"She's a wreck," he was saying. "And I don't like seeing what this new role is doing to her."

"Agreed," the Captain said solemnly. "I think she feels like she has to keep going, that she can't let us down. I think she needs someone to talk to, just like the rest of us."

"Yes," said Kwazii. "But who'll be her therapist?"


Dashi hadn't moved for three hours. She was still lying in bed, upset, tired and annoyed at herself.

"The others need me," she thought aloud. "I need to get up." Her body disagreed. "Stop being so spoilt Dashi. You gotta just grow up." Her body disagreed.

"Wow," she thought somewhat bitterly. "I really am useless."

"No," came a Scottish voice from beside her. "Dashi Dachshund Dog you are not useless."

"I am," she replied bluntly. "And I already told you Shellington, I just need some time alone."

"I don't think so," said another voice, the Captain's voice. "You might be amazing at diagnosing everyone else's problems, but I don't think you know what's best for you."


"Dashi," said Shellington, taking the dachshund's hand. "You gotta understand. The Octonauts are a team, a family, and if there's a problem, we'll work together to fix it."

"But... I'm just a problem."

"Not a problem," Shellington whispered, before kissing Dashi's cheek. "A person."

"Let us help you," said Tweak. "We all need helping sometimes."

"But it's... I don't want to fail you. It's... Scary..."

"It is," smiled Peso. "But opening up helps deal with fear."

"No one's invincible," the Captain nodded.

Dashi stared at her brilliant, brilliant family, a mix of lingering sadness, overpowering love and rising security bubbling in her heart. She opened her arms out tearfully, and her family crushed her in a huge bear hug.

A/N short chapter I know but hey at least it's sweet. Anyways imma go back to tryna write five books at once 😅

Octonauts OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora