New Year's

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The music was ready, the drinks were poured. Non-alcoholic pink lemonade, of course. Drinkers or not, the Octonauts couldn't be caught off guard by disaster. And besides, what could beat a glass of Tunip's special pink lemonade?

Captain Barnacles pulled out a guided piece of paper from his pocket. A checklist. Most of the boxes were ticked, but a few things needed to be checked off still. Peso had music sorted, the Vegimals had either finished or were finishing the dinner and the decorations were being designed by Dashi. However, the fireworks still needed to be finished and the Captain had no idea what Shellington was up to. The Captain had set the marine biologist in charge of the activities for the night, and hadn't heard from since.

Barnacles went down to the launch bay to check on Tweak with the fireworks.


"Dashi, help me!" Shellington said, bursting into his girlfriend's room.

Dashi, who had been sketching up various designs and decors, raised her head and tilted it cutely. 

"What do you need Shel? Apart from a haircut," she smiled, walking over and brushing Shellington's messy flop of a fringe to the side.

"I... Uh, the Captain put me in charge of the post dinner activities, and I, uh, might have forgotten about it."

Dashi brushed her sketches into a perfect pile and picked up a fresh sheet and a pen. She wrote: "post dinner activities" on top in her perfect handwriting.

"I was thinking I could  plan one of those mystery murder parties."

Dashi squealed, tail wagging.

"That'd be perfect! But won't it spoil it if both of us know the secret will it?" 

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Shellington reassured her, formulating plans in his head. "All the Octoagents will be there, so we'll have plenty of players. This is going to be great!"

"We're going to have to hurry," Dashi said, glancing at her watch. The guests will arrive in just seven hours!"


Paani and Selva arrived at the Octopod half an hour late, and they were the first there. A varied and skilled team of marine specialists, they might be, but the Octonauts weren't the best at time management.

"Good to see you!" The Octonauts embraced the Octoagents as soon as they hopped out of the launch bay and removed their air tanks and helmets.

"Everything alright and set?" Captain Barnacles checked with Shellington quietly.

"All good as of eight minutes ago," he grinned, giving a thumbs up. "Dashi helped me sort it all out."

The Captain tilted his head.

"But wasn't entertainment supposed to be ready by..." He checked his Octocompass. "Twenty minutes ago?"

"Ah... Eight, twenty, what's the difference?"

The Captain looked at Shellington strangely, considering explaining the difference of twelve, but thinking better of it.

"Ah, you're right. As long as the entertainment is done, I'm happy."

"Glad to hear it Captain."


Shellington and Dashi had prevented any guests from moving to HQ until all Octoagents were present. Once Calico Jack had arrived from the Amazon, the party could begin. They climbed the ladder, stopping only to untangle Paani's 'hyperactive' tail, and once they reached HQ, the collective group gasped. Dashi had completely redone the room, with fake grass and roses and gnomes to make the place look like an undersea garden. A sign read "Welcome to the Octopus' garden."

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