Chapter 23

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"What are we doing here?" I asked Josh as we were walking into the packhouse library. 

It was obvious to me that nobody used the place. The shelves still looked brand new except for one particular shelf in a corner that had a collection of rather old-looking books.

"What's over there?" I asked him pointing my hand there.

We walked to that exact shelf before Josh beckoned for me to take a seat. 

I sat down and placed my hands on the table, fidgeting with my fingers. I wondered when Jason would come back and how long it would take Micayla to help me learn more about my powers. She said that she needed to visit the witch library first to find out more about mental magic and then Jason instructed Josh to keep an eye on me. Since Josh was Mia's boyfriend now, Jason didn't trust him with me or her so he told him to bring me to this library. 

"Josh..." I said his name and looked at him as if he wasn't listening to me. He stood before that same worn-out shelf, with folded arms.

He looked at me as he did hear me and then grabbed one book before he slammed it down in front of me. "There."

"What's this?" I looked at the book and opened it. It was dusty and the pages looked yellowish and curled around the edges.

"You have completed the initiation ritual, but that does not fully make you a Luna of this pack. Therefore you'll be studying everything from these books. The pack's history, important dates, holidays, and traditions."


More books filled the table till my head felt like it was spinning when I looked at all of them. I knew that every pack including this one had their customs, but this was not what I expected.

"I need to study all of this!" I waved my hand around and now I was getting what was happening. "Damn you asshole! You're very good!" I laughed shaking my head and shaking my pointer finger, clearly not talking to Josh. "Very fucking good!"

This was all Jason's doing! To keep me trapped under this house, he was going to use my promise of being a Luna to this pack and accept my fate as becoming his true mate. This was emotional blackmail! 

"Look, Jason made it very clear to me that you need to learn all the pack's customs--"

"Fuck him!" I tossed my hands into the air. "I am not going to do it! This is my life too and I am not going to study shit just to help him sleep at night."

Josh widened his eyes. "Archie, this a direct order from the alpha--"

"Boo-Hoo! I am so scared!"

"Archie..." He warned.

"I appreciate your concern, Josh. But I am not going to play Luna when there are more important things like working on a spell to protect myself and this pack from any more attacks coming from those witches. The more important thing is finding them, capturing them, and figuring out their motive." I then walked out. "Tell your bossy alpha he can kiss my ass!"

On my way to the library door, I saw something and it made me stop.

Was that Jason's mom?

She was standing on a ladder busy cleaning one of the top shelves, humming a tune as if she was in her world. Jason warned me to steer clear from her because of me being partly witch might make my scent triggering to her. 

However, last night she was the one who gave me a warning of the attack before it happened. Once again Jason was wrong because of his paranoia over me. He and I needed to have a serious talk about this. 

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