Chapter 7

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This was too much. I had to stop, I needed to stop. Control yourself idiot!

I pulled my hips back, slowly pulling my cock out. I growled and hissed as the cool air surrounded my wet and sticky shaft. I immediately tucked it back into my pants before checking to see if he was okay. I was ruthless and usually I enjoyed being ruthless, but I did want to make sure I didn't go too hard.

He was laying on his stomach with his ass high up in the air. Archie looked like a hot mess and it enticed me knowing and seeing that I was the reason he was in this state.

Anyway, we needed to leave now. He needed to be taken under my pack's custody for safety and there was a witch a planned on consulting. We had to make sure he was alright and that those witches didn't do anything bad to him.

"Can you stand up?" I asked him.

He looked back at me as if his eyes were still hazy and then pushed himself up. To my surprise he recovered a lot quicker than I expected and again, he was an omega paired with me. Of course his body was more durable than any ordinary omega's.

The sight of his puffy hole throbbing with my cum drooling out of it, was very tempting.

I backed away to give him more space and then I helped him get dressed. He reeked of me at least I had one less thing to worry about. No one at the packhouse would go near him because he reeked of me now.

I had many hot escorts in my life before, but Archie was honestly taking the cup.

"I'm okay..." he muttered, his cheeks tinted red. "Please don't read my sketchbooks without asking me."

We just had sex and that's what he's been thinking about?

I looked at the sketchbook, understanding why he's being so secretive about it and protective even after I already had a good idea of what contents may be inside. I wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily.

"Not happening," I said and slid the book in at the back of my waistband. "I'll give it back to you when I feel like it. That's your punishment for talking back to your alpha."

He scowled at me. "You're bully!"

"I've heard worse. Now finish packing so we can leave!" i said, the scent of his ass already taunting me.

He was filled with my cum and if he was in heat now or I in rut, he would've been pregnant. I fucking wanted to make him pregnant! I'll wait till the time arrives and only after our first heat and rut together will I mark him.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I stormed out the door and waited outside instead. In there his scent wasn't as strong as it was inside and I could finally clear my head.

While I was waiting, I pulled out my phone and texted Josh.

Me: Did you find me a witch?

I waited till I saw that head the message before he replied.

Josh: It wasn't easy, but yes I do have a witch.

Me: I'll be there at the warehouse later. I just need to get the omega settled in first.

Josh: Admit you like him already ;)

I glared thinking about how I would've punched his face if I saw him right now. I decided to read and ignore his message, before going offline and shoving my phone back inside my pocket.

Archie came stumbling out the door of his small sized apartment. I sighed and took his bags from his hands and waited for him to lock the front door. I expected him to at least throw the key away, because there was no way I was going to let him stay here again.

I let it be for now before heading over to my car waiting in the parking lot.


It was a 30 minutes drive to the packhouse. The car was filled with deathly silence and to kill the silence itself, I turned on the radio.

I wasn't much of a radio person myself, but I wanted him to feel comfortable. He soon changed the radio channel himself.

"You like this song?" I asked him.

"No." he shook his head. "I just got irritated by the first song that played." he then shrugged and stared back out the window.

Well, at least a couple of words were exchanged.

I tried adding more to the conversation myself, but that was never easy for me. Since a young age I had to deal with social anxiety and becoming alpha of our pack, made it feel like it was no longer my problem.

I was the alpha, which meant that I made the rules. If I decided that I didn't want to socialize with anyone, then I rightfully did so because I can. Nobody was in the position to question how I did things or how I did them and so it felt right.

But now, I was having serious communication issues with my mate.

As I reached an intersection down the road, I turned left and drove through the woods. At the end of the road I finally reached our gates and waited for the guards to open the gates, before I drove in.

I didn't expect to find so many idiots around the damn yard. Josh or Reuben must've told the whole gang!

I growled out of annoyance before parking in front of the house. Two maids came rushing out the door, followed by one butler who opened my door for me.

I looked at Archie who was practically sinking back into his seat.

"Why are there so many people here?"

I sighed. "Are you shy?"

"No! I just hate being the center of attention."

"So you're shy. Stay there." I got the car and signaled the butler and maids to fetch the bags and boxes in the car trunk.

I then walked around the car and opened the door for Archie. One of the pack members, Derrick peeked over the door.

"Is that him, sir? Our Luna?" He asked me.

"Can we finally meet him?" asked another.

They were like a bunch of lost puppies. Mother was standing at the front door, a tray of biscuits in her hands.

"You coming?" I extended a hand out to Archie.

He reached and took my hand in his and then stepped out of the car.

"Welcome to your new home."

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