Chapter 21

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I was flustered the whole time. Jason was watching and staring at me while I was eating the food, mostly tasting his cum. This was probably the most dirtiest thing he ever made me a do.

"Are you enjoying your breakfast? The breakfast I made for you?" He asked me.

I nodded. "Mm..."

"Come again?"


"Yes who?"

"Yes, daddy..."

"Good boy... Lucky for you, I'll be spoiling you like this every morning." He patted my head. "Only this time, it will be served to you in bed." He hand moved to my cheek and began to stroke my cheek with his thumb. "You know how I love waking early and what a lazy ass you are." 

At least now he just confirmed that this wasn't the last time he'll be serving me his cum for breakfast. No, like, he literally cooked a small portion of pancakes, eggs and bacon so his cum took up most of the space in the plate. 

Just then Josh and Mia walked into the kitchen. "Hey, Jason. I've been calling you and texting you all morning. You know...since I am human and can't talk to you through a psychic link like the rest of the people in here! So why aren't you answering me?"

"Babe..." Mia nudged his arm and nodded in my direction.

Josh looked at me and then he blushed in embarrassment. "I am so sorry...I was interrupting a very special morning." He then turned to look at Jason and for the first time I saw Josh being nervous. Mia was giggling behind her phone and I had a feeling she was not giggling for the same reason, especially judging by how she looked at me.

"Yes, you are interrupting us, Josh," Jason agreed, his canines already barred. "But because you're my most trusted and loyal friend, I will not lock you up in a cell and torture you in a thousand different ways..." 

"I would like to see you try!" Mia hissed and pulled Josh by his arm. "Come on, Josh. Can't you see that Archie is having the delicious breakfast Jason made for him?"

Josh looked at her with a frown as if he wasn't really catching on. He then looked at me and then down at my plate, mouthing the word oh. 

When I was done eating up, Jason nearly shoved my face into the plate. "Clear that plate! I don't want to see a single drop of my cum left!"

I whimpered before slowly hanging out my tongue and beginning to lick his plate. I tasted his hot cum, drinking up all that was left on the plate. Was he forgetting that my best friend was standing right there?! And again, he fucked me where everyone could see us three times already so at this point I knew that Jason didn't give a damn about any privacy whatsoever. 

I was really heard when I finished clearing the plate. Jason handed me a napkin allowing me to only wipe the cum off my chin and then he stuffed the napkin into one of my pockets. Clearly, that also wasn't meant to be disposed of. 

"Did you enjoy your meal?" Jason inquired.

"I did...thank you..." I spoke softly and could sense all kinds of erotic signals he sent through our matebond. The bond was still new and I could feel everything he was feeling. Watching me eat up his cum, aroused him a lot and for a moment he even forgot Josh was there.

Josh cleared his throat to get his attention and Mia moved around the table to stand next to me and then whispering in my ear. "Oh my gosh, you two are so gross!" Followed by a squeal.

"Jason, I'm afraid this cannot wait. The witch whom we've been consulting over Archie's case is at the gates and apparently the guards were instructed not to let her in. We also have another problem. We weren't the only ones that got attacked last night."

"Micayla is here?" I asked and looked at Jason.

Jason made another growl. "I know the witch is at the gates, I gave the order to not let her in. I suspected that the barriers would let her through because Archie trusts her and after the events that went down at the Blood moon ritual, I do not trust her or any other witch within 5 miles from Archie. Make that 5000 thousand miles!" 

"Let her in Jason."

"Don't you dare try me, Archie." He warned and got up. "I'll tell her to leave myself!"

"You can't do that!" Josh protested and stepped in the way. "Something else also happened last night." He looked at me. "There is this barrier around our pack territory, literally placed exactly on the borders of our pack, not allowing a single witch but Micayla to pass through. This is magic and since she's been working with Archie and helping us try and understand him, she is the only witch on this planet we can trust with this. If you don't trust her, then trust me at least."

Jason gritted his teeth. I could see that he trusted Jason but now I could see that this whole soft and romantic side wasn't the only thing different about him. He suddenly became a lot more guarded and protective over me. Maybe this whole breakfast was so that he could be around me and keep an eye over me. He wanted to protect me. 

I stood up and then I held his arm before gently squeezing his shoulder. His muscles relaxed under my touch and he turned his head as if he was going to listen to me.

"Just let her in. Please."

He closed his eyes. "Fine."

He then sent out a mind link to the guards at the gates to let Micayla in.

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