Chapter 20

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I woke up to the hot musky scent of my mate. His arms around my body, our legs intertwined and his face buried into my neck. It was the following morning and a new day for me--for us. I could feel Jason through the mate bond and I have never felt anything so strong before. We were connected.

I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head off his muscular chest. Jason was already awake, staring at me. 

He brushed some hair off my forehead. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Hey..." I smiled at him, blushing because this was the first time I woke up in his arms like this. All the other nights he was usually up before me, going out for his runs or training with the pack. I wondered why he decided to stay in bed today.

"It's because you look beautiful when you sleep and I enjoy holding you. Why run out in the cold when I can be in bed with you?"

"So you've decided to finally give me some attention today?"

"Yes, I have." He stroked my cheek and then began showering my face with kisses. 

Jason was always rough with me, seeing this warm and affectionate said of him had butterflies fluttering inside my tummy. 

"Now that you have all of my attention, how about we have a shower and cook breakfast together? You know like how those couples in the tv shows do?"

I chuckled. "Okay who are you and what have you done with my mate?"

"Hey, I just woke up feeling like spoiling you today!" He slid a hand up the back of my neck, grabbing a fistful of my hair eliciting a moan from me. "So enjoy it while it lasts."

I nodded my head. At least now I knew that the big rough daddy alpha was still somewhere in there and it would be wise of me not to make it surface again. Not yet at least. 

Jason was suddenly in this bubbly mood this morning and I had no clue where it came from. We showered together, where he cleaned and pampered me up. We then got dressed right before he took my hand and walked with me with the kitchen. I was all too eager to have his big hand in mine, moving even closer to hold his entire arm. Earlier in the bathroom he caught me staring at myself in the mirror and the mark he left on my neck. I had to admit, even I felt jittery today and never wanted this feeling to end. It felt as if the world around me suddenly became lighter.

Was this what happiness truly felt like.

As soon as we reached the massive kitchen, he chased everyone out. "All of you get out!"

They were all startled by him and scurried off. Some even forgot their coffee and breakfast, so came back to quickly grab those and then it was just us two.

"Was that really necessary?" I looked up and asked him. 

He shrugged unheeding how his voice, when so loud and booming, even startled me. "What? I told you we'll be cooking together like those couples on the TV and they don't usually have people with them in the kitchen."

I giggled because he was taking this a lot serious than I expected, it was also cute in a way. He was really trying to make my day today. He already made my day the moment I woke up with his arms around me.

"What's so funny?" 

"You're cute."

"What did you call me?"

I stood on my toes and pecked his lips before booping his nose. "I said you're cute..."

He looked at me and tilted his head like puppies did whenever they saw something weird, another adorable thing about him. Now I was going to make breakfast with my mate and I never imagined anything could be more perfect than this.

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